View Full Version : Norms Tall Case Clock Sec.2

Carroll Courtney
11-21-2008, 9:56 PM
Guys,I am almost at the fuming stage.The clock is sanding to 220gt and ready for fuming.Saturday I will build the tent,start fuming that afternoon with some sample pieces.After 12hrs of fuming,take out a sample and check the color.More pics to come,on Sunday.Well its 2:30pm Saturday and we have made our fuming tent,sanded the clock one more time,tack it down and into the tent.After 24hrs(2:30pm Sunday)we will check the color,hopefully the fuming will be done.Here's acouple of pics of our tent.Updates tomorrow.Thanks for the interest,and the comments.I was also wanting to get in on the Morris chair project,but this clock is taking alittle more time.

Dewey Torres
11-21-2008, 11:46 PM
Nice clock and thanks for posting. I will be undertaking a fume project soon for the finish of a QSWO Morris chair. I may have some questions for you if you don't mind.
I will be looking forward to following this thread. Thanks for sharing.

Mark Carlson
11-22-2008, 12:22 AM

Nice clock. Let us know how to fuming process goes. By the way, where does one get that extra strength ammonia?


Jim Becker
11-22-2008, 9:46 AM
Beautiful work, Carrol. Thanks for the update!