View Full Version : screws you use

JohnT Fitzgerald
11-21-2008, 1:13 PM
I'm just curious what screws people use and where you get them (local? online/mail order?)

I was making my crosscut sled and realized just how crappy the wood screws are that I have that I bought at HD. I was trying to screw a 2" screw through the base into the oak fence (with apilot hole), and the tip kept stripping. crappy screws, IMO...

Lee Schierer
11-21-2008, 1:26 PM
Most of my screws except the pocket holes screws I buy from HD. I've never had a problem. However, I always rub the threads across a lump of beeswax prior to screwing them into anything. The wax lubricates the screw and it drives with considerably less effort.

Bill White
11-21-2008, 1:32 PM
I use a wax toilet seal for screws. Keep it in the bev. fridge in the shop.
Buy specialty pocket screws and cabinet mounting screws, but thye rest are commons from the borgs.

Chris Padilla
11-21-2008, 1:45 PM
Wood or machine or general??

I use my local h/w store for most things. I'll pay a little bit more than at the borg but my h/w store is closer, cleaner, neater, and always keeps things in stock.

I buy pocket screws from Kreg and McFeelys and a few other wood screws like confirmat screws for MDF.

Von Bickley
11-21-2008, 1:56 PM
My local lumber supplier has a very good selection of screws. Sometimes I pick up some at Lowe's. I will only buy phillips or square head screws. Sometimes I will pick up a box or two of different sizes just to have a good selection at home. :)

Anthony Anderson
11-21-2008, 1:57 PM
I use Spax screws only (I use Kreg screws for pocket holes). Serrated edge, and can put them near the edge, and don't split the wood/panel. Not much more than regular screws, but much nicer to use, with less aggravation. No pre drilling required, unless in REALLY hard material. They are dual drive, phillips or square drive. I buy them at Menards, but McFeely's have them as well. Regards, Bill

JohnT Fitzgerald
11-21-2008, 1:58 PM
these were wood screws, and stripped easily. Oddly I used other (shorter) screws and they seemed fine...maybe a bad batch? *shrug*

Mike McCann
11-21-2008, 2:11 PM
for general use I use dry wall screws. for pocket holes use kreg.

Eric DeSilva
11-21-2008, 2:13 PM
Whether machine or wood, square drive from McFeeleys.

Tim Thomas
11-21-2008, 2:22 PM
I just use drywall screws if I don't need a long screw or if the wood I'm driving into isn't very hard. BUT, when I need a quality screw I like the ones that Woodcraft has under the brand "Highpoint".


They aren't the cheapest, but they are the best that I can find in my local stores. (The only bad thing right now is that my Woodcraft only carries the 100 count packages and I would rather go ahead and get 500 count to save some money.) The screws are worth the extra cost when you need them, IMHO. No need to predrill, countersinking nibs under the head, and they have the combination square/phillips drive heads. I've never had one strip out, break, or cause the wood I'm driving into to split (I always use a square bit for driving them). I also like the screws because they seem treat my cheapo cordless drill a little nicer and don't bog it down. If you have a Woodcraft near you I would recommend that you try out a small pack to see if they will suit your needs.

Mark Roderick
11-21-2008, 2:26 PM
The Spax screws are fantastic.

Rob Diz
11-21-2008, 2:46 PM
I buy my screws from McFeely's. The first time I "loaded up" and ordered a TON of different size/type of wood screws, as well as one of their samplers - I spent over $100. But it was worth it. I have what I need on hand, and they are quaility screws.

I needed a screw recently to install the Blum clip that goes on the bottom of drawers, and didn't have anything on hand. I went to the BORG and got their offerings - wow, they were more like threaded spikes than screws.

If you have any questions about which McFeelys screws are right for your application - just call them up. Their service is also quite fast, even if it is my mail.

McFeely's screws are holding all of my kitchen cabinets to the wall, so I have put my faith in the strenth of their screws (among other projects).

No affiliation, just a repeat and quite satisfied customer.

glenn bradley
11-21-2008, 2:46 PM
McFeely's or other quality provider. It doesn't take too many "oops" caused by some type of head failure to make the small increase in cost make sense.

Maurice Ungaro
11-21-2008, 2:48 PM
I vote for Spax as well. They can be had at HD, or ordered online from Lee Valley &/or Highland Woodworking.

Russ Kay
11-21-2008, 4:19 PM
I recently posted this elsewhere on the Creek, but some months back Woodworking Magazine did a comparison test of five different kinds of screws: Home Depot, Lowes, drywall, McFeely's, and Spax. They started out by screwing them, without drilling, into hard maple. Every single one of the HD and Lowes screws snapped off, as did most of the drywall screws. Spax and McFeeley's (which were the cheapest per screw, BTW) had no failures at all.

Ray Schafer
11-21-2008, 5:00 PM
Well, I am pretty particular about some things, and this is one. Here are the screws that I use based upon the material:
1) MDF
SPAX MDF screw -- for general use; no pilot hole required.
confirmat -- for constructing cabinets
2) Plywood
SPAX screw
Ultimates -- for constructing cabinets/ furniture, etc. No pilot hole required.
3) Hardwood
No screws -- DOWELS! Or Miller dowels
but if I use screws, I use ultimates or McFeeley
4) Jigs made out of particle board
Particle board screws from Lowes
5) Pocket holes -- Kreg pocket hole screws

I used to use drywall screws, but had bad experiences. If I am just messing around with stuff for the shop or rough items, I try to use up my deck screws and my drywall screws.

Dave Falkenstein
11-21-2008, 5:24 PM
I buy almost all of the screws I use for woodworking from McFeely's. BTW, McFeely's sells Spax screws in addition to numerous types of other wood screws. I have a wide variety of sizes that I keep in a plastic divided container from HD. I buy in reasonable quantity from MsFeely's and refill the container as needed. I buy small quantity fasteners (like metric) from Ace.

Karl Brogger
11-21-2008, 5:38 PM
I use Deerwood, and GRK screws. Deerwood for anything square drive, and GRK for finish screws, and for 3-1/8" w/ a torx head.

Michael Donahue
11-21-2008, 5:42 PM
I'm just curious what screws people use and where you get them (local? online/mail order?)

I was making my crosscut sled and realized just how crappy the wood screws are that I have that I bought at HD. I was trying to screw a 2" screw through the base into the oak fence (with apilot hole), and the tip kept stripping. crappy screws, IMO...

McFeeley's screws + an impact driver = a happy woodworker :D

Thomas Williams
11-21-2008, 6:03 PM
For most of my needs I buy from McFeelys. I also really like the Spax screws. Woodcraft has just started selling a new line of screws and I plan on trying them.
I have found that McFeelys usually cost less per screw than the ones from the Borg.

Michael Donahue
11-21-2008, 6:08 PM
For most of my needs I buy from McFeelys. I also really like the Spax screws. Woodcraft has just started selling a new line of screws and I plan on trying them.
I have found that McFeelys usually cost less per screw than the ones from the Borg.

I've used some of the Highpoint screws they have now at Woodcraft and they've worked great.:)

Chuck Thoits
11-21-2008, 6:57 PM
I use Deerwood, and GRK screws. Deerwood for anything square drive, and GRK for finish screws, and for 3-1/8" w/ a torx head.
I use the GRK screws for just about every thing now. They are pricey but well worth it. There only short coming is that they don't pull as good as ones that don't have a counter sinking head. If you know this going in you will take steps to managed that. By either clamping or when it does not matter over driving to get tight joints.

David Keller NC
11-21-2008, 8:53 PM
I've a different take on this than most on the thread. For general-purpose use in the shop (jigs, utility shelves, etc...) I use square-drive Stainless Steel Deck screws. I buy them at a local store (Wilder's in Raleigh, NC), but Home Despot has them in a limited number of lengths/diameters. What I like about these screws is that the threads are extra deep and have a slow pitch - which means they have superior holding power. They're also stainless steel, which is exceptionally hard and strong - I've never had one snap off, pilot hole or otherwise.

For furniture, I use antique (from the 50's and 60's) slot-drive unplated wood screws. In my opinion, philips and square-drives are just ugly. And on an antique reproduction, they absolutely scream "inauthentic". Sadly, however, it looks like my days of being able to find these screws are numbered - I've been unable to find them at any of the major outlets new, and I'm assuming that they went out of production some time ago in favor of more efficient designs.

Neal Clayton
11-21-2008, 9:15 PM
stainless drywall screws from the local drywall/plaster supply mostly.

the coated deck screws from the borg for longer general use screws.

Jim Becker
11-21-2008, 9:18 PM
Robertson/Square Drive screws from McFeeley's are my staple screws in the shop. They have never failed to please me.

lowell holmes
11-21-2008, 10:47 PM
I use the "crappy" wood screws from the box stores, but I use tapered pilot hole drills to make the pilot holes. These drills are matched to the screw size. The heads don't strip and the screw locks up in the tapered holes ,engaging all of the threads at once. Indredible clamping pressure is generated and the wood is not damaged.

Jim Heffner
11-21-2008, 11:10 PM
Deck screws mostly, from the borg or hardware store. I predrill the holes
and coat the screws (most of the time) with parafin wax before installing,
makes them easier to install with less breakage as well. Have been thinking about trying some square drive screws...if they compare in price to the deck screws I am presently using.

Steve Rozmiarek
11-21-2008, 11:51 PM
I like Spax, but my secret weapons are some that the local hardware store sells. Not sure who makes them, GRX or Osmose I think. They are torx drive, with a self sinking head, a drill bit like shank, and deep corrigated threads like the Spax. They work for anything, and are without a doubt, the best screw I have ever used.

I also like the Kreg screws for other goofball jobs, not just pocket screws.

Bob Genovesi
11-22-2008, 7:12 AM
I've got a good assortment of square drive coated screws I get from Lowes. They range in length from 1" to 3" and everything in between.

About 50% of the time I'll coat them with wax prior to use, either toilet seal or a secret bees wax formula that I've concocted...

JohnT Fitzgerald
11-22-2008, 7:30 AM
"secret formula", huh? hmmm.... :)

I saw those coated screws at Lowes, and my assumption is they were for exterior use. Maybe I'll give them a try.

Michael Gibbons
11-22-2008, 7:32 AM
McFeelys for general stuff mainly. Kreg screws from Woodcraft.

James White
11-22-2008, 8:23 AM
Believe it or not Sears Hardware has quite a large selection of screws. Including up to 3.5" trim head screws that are square drive. I cannot advise if they are as good a quality as some of the brand names like Spax. However I have yet to snap one. The brand is Hillman. Can anyone comment on your experience with this brand. I have not been at it long enough to make a good assessment. I just wanted to advise on an alternate source.
