View Full Version : "Weekend Doin's"

Karl Laustrup
11-21-2008, 7:47 AM
Friday November 21, 2008


BRRRRRRRR!!!! :eek: Woke this morning to clear skies and a temp of 10 degrees. Tomorrow, the first day of the gun hunt here in Wisconsin, it's supposed to be 8 degrees to start the day. Glad I don't do that anymore.

LOML comes home tonight after a week in Vegas on business. She is also visiting friends there from when we lived in Vegas back in the early 90's. She's bringing me some Ethel M chocolates, so I'm anxious for her return :), but not for just that reason.

This weekend is supposed to be cold around these parts and with Thanksgiving less than a week away I will be prepping for the feast on Thursday. We have the kids and grandkids over for a family celebration, but it takes a lot of preparation. I need to pick up a turkey this weekend so it can thaw and be ready for brineing Wednesday.

What's happening in your part of the world this weekend? Fun, games, work or hanky panky?

Have a great weekend and as always please be SAFE.


Jim Becker
11-21-2008, 7:57 AM
Burrr....gonna be another cold(er) weekend here, too. The weekend is stacked up to horsie things on Saturday and who-knows-what-else for the rest of the weekend. I may spend some time in the shop sharpening and cleaning up the dreck if I get the chance.

Thomas Williams
11-21-2008, 7:58 AM
Michigan v. Ohio State. In these parts the rest of the world events will cease to matter, at least until the game is over.

JohnT Fitzgerald
11-21-2008, 8:21 AM
Still have a few 'outside' things to finish up and put away before winter really sets in. Other than keeping the kids occupied, not much is planned other than staying warm. I did manage to finish up a crosscut sled last night, so I think I'll put it to use and start cutting up the parts for a desk I'm planning to make.

Chuck Durst
11-21-2008, 8:29 AM
Being from Oh. its the game this Saturday. I live on the lake in small lake county,we are getting lake effect snow here to the tune of about 18in this Friday and Saturday. So shoveling snow isn't out of the question.Also hope to finish a couple of night stands for the grand kids. Hope everybody has a safe weekend.


Ken Fitzgerald
11-21-2008, 8:52 AM
Well....we found out last week our great-granddaughter (27 months) will be moving to Phoenix with her parents the first week in December. Nanny put up the Christmas tree early so little Riley could see the "pretties". Then Nanny has gotten little Riley and brought her to our home each evening this week and tonight she'll be spending the night. Papa doesn't seem to get much done when little Riley's around.

Turn some more Christmas presents...clean the shop.........watch a little college football.

Jerry Bruette
11-21-2008, 8:59 AM
Heading to camp in about an hour. In pursuit of the wiley whitetail. Hardest part this year will be to keep from freezing stiff on the stand. Like Karl said lows in the teens and highs in the mid twenties this weekend,hope there's not much wind. bbbbrrrrrrrr.

Be Safe

Matt Meiser
11-21-2008, 9:07 AM
More work on the dresser this weekend. Next up is building drawers and gluing up the top. I'm hoping to complete construction over Thanksgiving weekend.

Nancy Laird
11-21-2008, 9:28 AM
Company and dinner out tonight; craft fair tomorrow; and Sunday is rest and catch-up day. Have a couple of laser jobs to do and ramping up for a big job running next week.