View Full Version : Snowman Bottle stoppers

Don Carter
11-18-2008, 3:52 PM
This is my version of the Snowman bottle stoppers. They are Cocobolo, Bloodwood, and Bocote from left to right.

What do you think?

All the best.


Ken Fitzgerald
11-18-2008, 3:57 PM
Thank you Don! That idea is stolen!:o

Nicely done BTW!

Bernie Weishapl
11-18-2008, 4:08 PM
Great job Don. Ya got watch that Fitz character. You lay it out there and it is gone. In a flash.:D;):rolleyes::cool:

Don Carter
11-18-2008, 4:45 PM
Thanks guys, and I was just starting to open up the Idaho market, too.;)
Seriously, they make great gifts for Christmas or a stopper plus a favorite bottle of wine for the host of holiday party makes a great gift. And you get invited back.
I saw these on a couple of websites. They are very easy and fast and they sell well during this time of year.

All the best.


Paul Douglass
11-18-2008, 5:09 PM
Great job and idea! I picture some made from holly or maple whti a dark wood hat, dark wood eyes, mouth etc....

Jim Kountz
11-18-2008, 6:19 PM
I love these! Gret job and they sure would make some great gifts wouldnt they? Where did you get the stoppers?


Richard Madison
11-18-2008, 7:37 PM
Beautiful "toppers" there Don. They would look even beauti-fuller on SSNiles stoppers.

Steve Schlumpf
11-18-2008, 10:41 PM
Don - glad to see you are able to post again! Great looking stoppers! First time I've seen that style and you just know they will make great gifts! Very nice work!

Gary Herrmann
11-18-2008, 11:32 PM
Those are great, Don. Get some holly and then make eyes, nose and mouth once you're done.

Dang, I think I just gave away my Christmas present idea...

Bruce McElhaney
11-19-2008, 10:18 AM
I don't get it! How can the design be stolen if it is openly offered on the Craft Supplies USA website, and other sites on the web?

Steve Busey
12-09-2008, 9:52 AM
I don't get it! How can the design be stolen i...?

Kinda like this! :rolleyes::p


I did a "candy cane" style pen too - feel free to steal that!