View Full Version : Turning tools I made

Mitchell Cholewinski
11-14-2008, 7:32 PM
Hi Everyone, want to thank each of you that replied about my birdhouses post just recently.

Today's post is about some tools that I recently made. They all work great but won't make me throw away my store bought tools away any time soon.

My camera , at the time I took these pictures wasn't taking very good pictures so forgive me these pictures. Since then the camera went south, like in it went AWOL on me. If you have any comment on any tool just ask me and I will do my best. As Always Mitch

David Drickhamer
11-14-2008, 8:10 PM
Nice tools. I think that's half the fun... Making your own.

Mitchell Cholewinski
11-14-2008, 9:18 PM
David Drickhamer
Thanks David, I appreciate your reply. S:)ounds like you must make tools yourself. Drop in again when you see my tool posts, I can use all the help and advice I can get from guys like yourself. Mitch

David Drickhamer
11-14-2008, 10:25 PM
Looking forward to seeing your tool posts.

Yes I do make a lot of my own tools. I just finished making some hollowing tools and am in the process of making a hollowing rig with a boring bar for deep hollowing. I hope to be able to weld it up next week.

I'll try to get some pictures taken this weekend so you can see what I've done.


Steve Schlumpf
11-14-2008, 11:19 PM
Mitchell - I haven't made any tools yet but can appreciate those that do! Anything that can help get the job done is a great tool as far as I am concerned! Nice work!

Paul Atkins
11-15-2008, 12:10 AM
It's always great to see somone's handmade tools. (Now why didn't I think of that shape etc.) I've been making my own tools from the start - from the sharpened nail (when I was 12) till yesterday's planer blade modification for a special cut. The first 'real tools' were made with salvaged dental tool steel that I still use once and a while. A few lathe tools made from files proved too brittle (as witnessed by the scar) so I had to learn a bit more about tempering. (And tool overhang) The best (besides the 'space aged' tools I buy) are the ones made from jointer and planer blades mostly used as profile cutters for rosettes and special cuts. Yeah, yeah I scrape alot too. Production work pays for the art. I'm trying not to hijack the thread, but I just had to share too. Keep inventing.

Joshua Dinerstein
11-15-2008, 12:58 AM
Today's post is about some tools that I recently made. They all work great but won't make me throw away my store bought tools away any time soon.


If you have any comment on any tool just ask me and I will do my best. As Always Mitch
I would love to know how you made the swan neck tool. I bought the steel to construct one but I haven't gotten around to bending it yet. Care to fill me in on your methods? Any tips or tricks for the uninitiated?


Mitchell Cholewinski
11-15-2008, 3:17 AM
David D
That is great, can't wait to see how your rig turns out. I bought the Elbo system hollowing rig a while back and while it works ok I found out I prefer to hollow with a deep hollowing tool. Thanks Dave. Mitch

Mitchell Cholewinski
11-15-2008, 3:26 AM
Steve Schlumpf
Thanks a lot Steve, I enjoy making these tools as much as turning itself. I just learned today a made tool can do a job that a bought one can't. My half round scraper I made turned a perfect roof by moving it left to right where my Sorby one couldn't fit in the small space. I need to slow down on these though cause I don't need so many tools and space is becoming a problem as far as where to store them. I am just going to concentrate on the different types of gouges to make. Thanks for replying Steve. Mitch

Mitchell Cholewinski
11-15-2008, 3:31 AM
Paul Atkins
Very, very interesting reply Paul. I enjoyed reading it much. You weren't hijacking any :D thread as far as I am concerned, thank you for the information and please keep in touch if you ever notice another post on tool making. I can use the help. Mitch

Allen Neighbors
11-15-2008, 11:23 AM
Hi again, Mitchell. Well done! Quite an assortment.
I make some of my own tools, too. I made three different sizes of those swan necked tools, with changeable cutters. It blew me away when I learned that they didn't allow the tool to "torque" out of your grip.
I also understand what you mean by storage space getting scarce. :)
Keep having fun!

David Drickhamer
11-15-2008, 11:25 PM
Here's a couple pictures of some of the tools I've made. The Longworth chuck I cheated and programed at work and cut it out with a CNC for wood. I made a few more scrapers for bowls but they're out "on loan" The metal handle is 1-1/4" aluminum drilled to accept a 1/2" tool. The other metal pieces are jigs for my Jet sharpener.

Mitchell Cholewinski
11-16-2008, 12:39 AM
Allen Neighbors
Thanks again Allen for dropping in and telling me about your tool making. All I can say isn't this the greatest thing in the world? Making tools and turning. Please stay in touch when you can see a post of my toolmaking. I am getting a milling machine and hope to go into making real good gouges. Thanks Allen. Mitch

Mitchell Cholewinski
11-16-2008, 12:45 AM
David Drickhamer
Great looking bunch of tools there David Very well done. I always wanted to make a Longworth but never tried. Yours looks great. All yours look well done. congratulations and please keep in touch so we can up date one another on what we are doing. I am going to concentrate on making gouges soon as I can figure out what milling machine I should buy from Grizzly. Thanks again Mitch

Jeff Nicol
11-16-2008, 9:17 AM
I too love to make my own tools and have made plenty! The last one that I completed is a box threading attachment for my 12" lathe. It works great and I have to get going and getting a box completed. I will try and post a picture soon.

Keep at the tool making as it can be just as rewarding as the turning!


Mitchell Cholewinski
11-16-2008, 5:54 PM
Jeff Nichol
Thanks a bunch Jeff. Not sure what you mean about a box threading attachment but I surely will want to see them pictures and a short explanation how it works when you finish making one. I love making these tools and right now am trying to concentrate on making gouges.Looking for someone with experience in running a milling machine to get some help as what machine would be best to make gouges. Grizzly mahines that is. This is a challenge for me. Keep in touch and thanks again. Mitch