View Full Version : Nuther Doorbell

glenn bradley
11-13-2008, 9:12 PM
I didn't want to thread-jack Todd's beautiful Mission Door Bell Cover. Mine ended up like this out of maple for LOML's house, Mom's will be walnut. Tis the season ;-)

Jim Becker
11-13-2008, 9:27 PM
Nice design, Glenn...I like the pegs, too.

Dewey Torres
11-13-2008, 9:34 PM
Nice work Glenn.

Walt Caza
11-14-2008, 9:59 AM
Hi Glenn,
Nice design and tight and tidy execution.
Did you design the doorbell cover yourself?
What a handsome and thoughtful gift.

Now I wanna razz you.....
About how long, rounded to the nearest month, would a sweet project like that take you to complete?
I figure you must have started before Springtime...:p

The square pegs really lift it to a higher level.
I would also like a peek at the walnut one, too, if you would be so kind.
Hope you're recovering well,

ps Are you gonna build one for yourself? or is it the old...
the painters house is not painted, the barber needs a haircut and
mechanic's own car sits on blocks??

Don Bullock
11-14-2008, 5:21 PM
Very nice Glenn.

gary Zimmel
11-15-2008, 12:55 AM
Nice way to use up some of those pieces that are too big to throw away but too small for anything else.

Great job Glen, I like the pegs too..

glenn bradley
11-16-2008, 2:43 AM
Now I wanna razz you.....
About how long, rounded to the nearest month, would a sweet project like that take you to complete?
I figure you must have started before Springtime...:p

Actually this one took the whole couple days one might expect :D. I haven't started the others but will post as soon as I do.

Russ Massery
11-16-2008, 10:42 PM
I thought these were a original idea till the I stumbled across this website. they even have a Greene & Greene style one. Hint,Hint, Glenn.:rolleyes:http://www.missionfurnishings.com/category/Custom-Doorbells.aspx

glenn bradley
11-16-2008, 11:50 PM
I thought these were a original idea till the I stumbled across this website. they even have a Greene & Greene style one. Hint,Hint, Glenn.:rolleyes:http://www.missionfurnishings.com/category/Custom-Doorbells.aspx

Hey, cool! Mitchell is a member here; you'd think I woulda found him first. As for original; not outta me. Neighbors had one back when I was in high school and living with Mom and Dad ;-) Mom always liked it. LOML saw some painted ones in a catalog and that sent me on a search. I found this (http://www.missiondoorbells.com/doorchime_cart.html) site and this (http://www.craftsmandoorbells.com/missionhills/missionhillsMainFramePage.htm) one. I do like Mitchell's G&G though . . . Hmmmm.

John Thompson
11-17-2008, 11:03 AM
Nice job Glenn..
