View Full Version : First demo a success!

Jeff Nicol
11-11-2008, 6:16 PM
Fellow fighters of the VORTEX!!!

I completed my first lathe demo in public last Sunday and I had a blast! My wife says that I can talk to anyone anywhere and that I would do fine! I fielded the questions and turned what people wanted to see. Two fellow creekers stopped in and we shared some conversation on our turning passion. They were Les Kuesel and Steve Campbell, so thanks to them for supporting a fellow SMC forum devotee! There were a couple of other local gentlemen who tested my skills and knowledge so I hope that I said and did the right things! My cousin took some pictures and I will have her send them to me and post them later.

Thanks and back to the other new posts!


Ken Fitzgerald
11-11-2008, 6:47 PM
Congrats Jeff! When I was young, I did pretty well in public. These days...my mind tends to wander too much for that stuff! Congrats!

Steve Schlumpf
11-11-2008, 7:01 PM
Jeff - congrats on your successful demo! I've always been one to shy away from public speaking but there is something about this vortex that makes talking to people so much easier! Glad you had fun with it! Also, glad to hear you had some SMC support there as well! Looking forward to seeing the photos!

Jeff Nicol
11-11-2008, 7:03 PM
Ken, Thanks for the encouragement! I looked at your bio and you have had a very full and busy life! A Great Grandfather! I just became a Grandpa to my daughters new dog, so I have a long way to go!! Thanks again and I hope to achieve something close to what you have done so far!!

Thanks again,

Jeff Nicol
11-11-2008, 7:11 PM
Steve, Thank you for your kind words! Some times being gregarious and out going can be good and bad. When I was younger I had no trouble getting dates and my buddies hated me for that! I always told them courage in in your heart not in a bottle! I most likely do enough talking for you and half the rest of SMC! Take care and have a good night!


Bernie Weishapl
11-11-2008, 11:11 PM
Congrats Jeff. It sounds like you did just fine and had a good time doing it. The LOML puts it this way. She says he just has a gift for gab. I told her I resemble that fact.:D:rolleyes:;) Great job.

Rasmus Petersen
11-12-2008, 1:23 AM
Congrats ! i have my owm public first in 2 weeks.. at a small christmas fair at the local grain mill. An old windmill where the evenings school that i attend have an old large Block sawmill they take care of... hope i do just as well...

Don Orr
11-12-2008, 12:01 PM
Way to go Jeff ! Talking in public is one thing, talking and DOING something is quite another. Sounds like you did well-good job. Where to next ?

David Walser
11-12-2008, 12:49 PM
Glad the demo went well. For those of us who weren't there to support you, share with us a few more details: Where was the demo, who was it for, how long did it take, and what did you make?

I realize you may have posted about your plans, but, sometimes plans change.

Steve Campbell
11-12-2008, 2:48 PM
Jeff. What a great demo. I enjoyed it very much. I have never tried making small items like you, but you have given me a whole new look on things. It was nice to actually meet a fellow creeker.
Again I had a good time and you do great work.


Les Kuesel
11-12-2008, 9:23 PM
Yes Jeff you did a GREAT job. I came away with alot of good ideals on how to do different things like making some of my own tools and working more with my skew. It was my first time seeing another turner turn and being able to ask questions. I really did fall in love with that little lathe. Thanks again and hope to see you around.

Jeff Nicol
11-13-2008, 4:55 PM
Good evening all! I am finally checking the forum after harvesting my buck with my crossbow and helping my cousin fix the brakes on his truck today.

Well I kind of let the people at the demo pick what they wanted to see done and what tools and techniques they were interested in. So I tried to use as many different tools as I could. I turned two miniatures, one out of a piece of old bowling ball and another out of maple and black palm. I sold the last one as soon as it was off the lathe! I had one gentleman, Rick ask a lot of questions as he was just getting into turning and was not sure how to go about starting a few things. He first wanted to know how to do a plate or platter then how to start a natural edge bowl, then a I did an off center practice piece to show him how that went. He was afraid of the piece wobbling and flying off the lathe. I showed him it can be done with more patience and less fear! I last turned the little butternut vase/vessel to show how to use a gooseneck tool and hollow out the inside of a hollow form or vessel.

Les and Steve were very active in the questions and had a few answers for the others watching also. Fun was had by all. I just put some BLO on the turnings to bring out the grain and not much sanding as I had no dust collector. But it worked out great!

Les, if you get bored and need to get some more tips just let me know. We can put on a pot of coffee and sove the worlds problems. That goes for anyone else passing through my area. I am always up for a challenge or some goof off time!

Thanks to all for your support and comment!


Jeff Nicol
11-15-2008, 5:31 PM
Well here is the proof that it did happen! Here are a couple of pictures of the demo I did on the 9th. In one picture the gentleman with his back to the camera and the flannel shirt is Les Kuesel, and in the other picture Steve Campell is second from the right in the crowd. I am the bald guy behind the lathe!

