View Full Version : Any mentors in the Houston area?

Scott Haddix
11-09-2008, 8:17 PM
A couple of weekends ago I purchased a Jet 1236 lathe, a tormek system, and almost 20 gouges (almost all HSS nices ones) from a guy who'd stopped turning a few years ago and needed it all out of his garage. I'd been wanting to learn to turn for a while, and this seemed a good chance to dive in.

What I don't have is any experience and another post I'd read here suggested a beginner find a mentor in the area willing to show them the ropes before they get started.

I liked that idea, so I thought I'd see if there is anyone available one evening or on a weekend to teach me enough so I'm not a danger to myself or the unfortunate wood I use for practice.

I'll be ordering the books I've seen recommended in this forum, but nothing beats hands-on teaching. Additionally, if anyone has attended a class in the area they'd specifically recommend for a newbie, I'm open to that as well.

Thanks in advance!

RL Johnson
11-09-2008, 9:18 PM
The Gulf Coast Woodturners are in Houston, try their website and go the their meetings. I am sure they have any number of people willing to help you out.

They come to SWAT every year and put on demonstrations so I know they a bunch of helpful willing people. Best of luck.

Ken Fitzgerald
11-09-2008, 9:24 PM

Look up Chris Hartley in the Members list. He and some others started a new turning club on the north side of Houston. Join a club....turners by nature are a generous lot. Someone will be glad to help you I"m sure.

Tom Hamilton
11-09-2008, 10:25 PM
Scott, the Houston Club meets this Saturday. Use the link above to read the newsletter for the details.

Several members sell tutoring services. Bill Barry is my go-to-guy. He'll come to your shop and teach on your lathe with your tools.

Hope to see you Saturday, Best regards, Tom

michael gallagher
11-10-2008, 9:23 AM

Ditto on what Tom said. The Gulf Coast chapter has a lot of mentors who would love nothing more to do than give you some advice. Hope to see you Saturday.

Scott Haddix
11-12-2008, 9:09 AM
Unfortunately, I'll be in Austin this weekend, but will try and make sure I can attend next month's meeting, and in the meantime will reach out to a few of the people you've mentioned.


Rich Souchek
11-12-2008, 10:19 PM
Where in Houston do you live, and what are you interested in learning about first?
Rich S.
Richmond, Tx.

Scott Haddix
11-29-2008, 7:52 AM
I spent a few hours over at Rich's house this last week and I wanted to say thank you to Rich for his help. He showed me a number of skills, starting with how to sharpen my tools! Luckily, we use the same sharpening system, so what he showed me I can directly apply.

Of course, it did come at a price... I bought a used Jet 1236. Rich spins on a nice Powermatic. I'm afraid I now suffer from a wee bit of tool envy :D.

Rich, thanks for taking the time and sharing your expertise. I hope to see you at the December club meeting.