View Full Version : G0555 bandsaw guides.

brett gallmeyer
11-09-2008, 10:48 AM
I have the Grizzly G0555 Ultimate 14" bandsaw with the riser block added on. First off, Its a great bandsaw!

But, here is my question. I was thinking of switching out the guides. Right now it has the factory bearing guides. I was thinking of putting cool blocks on or something else. I believe that I can use a either a delta or jet block holder. they all look the same. or should i do something different?

thanks, brett g.

Don Dorn
11-09-2008, 12:24 PM
You can call Griz, they have standard blocks for other machines that will fit. I did this as I didn't care for the bearing guides and eccentric adjustments. Same saw, same riser - it works fine, much quieter and I'm happer with it

Doug Rogers
11-20-2008, 1:40 AM
If you are going to use 1/4'' or smaller blades, you may want to check out the Carter Stabilizer. It replaces the top bearings and the bottom bearings are not used. The blade runs in the center of the bearing. the stabilizer allows you to use the bandsaw like a scroll saw.


John Eaton
11-20-2008, 8:44 AM
I have the Carter guides on my GO555 and like them a lot.

-- John