View Full Version : Free Wood

Eugene Wigley
11-08-2008, 4:52 PM
Hello everyone. It's my lucky day. My business partner has some trees that are leaning and need to be cut down. He said that since I need green wood we could cut one of them today. I got seventeen cuts from it ranging in size from 7" to 14" in diameter. Most were cut long enough to get four bowl blanks out of each piece.

Now I have enough green wood to learn how to rough out the bowls and dry them before finish turning. Thanks so much for all the help and information. If not for the help from this forum I would have had a mess and wasted a lot of wood learning how to do this.

Steve Schlumpf
11-08-2008, 5:45 PM
Eugene - congrats on the wood score! A turner can never have enough wood! What kind did you get?

robert hainstock
11-08-2008, 6:38 PM
Question, are those two pieces on the leftside hollow? ought to be fun to turn. BTW that's an awesome canoe in the pix. :)

Eugene Wigley
11-08-2008, 6:43 PM
I forgot to say what kind of wood I got. It is Sweet Gum. I turned a bowl with it and it is very wet. I cleaned my lathe and put paste wax on the ways when I finished the bowl. I like the way the wood turn when it is green. Very easy. I will rough turn some more tomarrow and put them in DNA.

Toney Robertson
11-08-2008, 9:30 PM
A turner can never have enough wood!


I don't know about that, I am running out of room and I have a walnut tree on the way.:eek: I have tried to sell some with no luck. :(

Cody Colston
11-09-2008, 12:37 AM
It is Sweet Gum. I turned a bowl with it and it is very wet.

You're certainly right about green Sweetgum being wet. You almost need to wear a slicker suit when turning it. :eek:

You're also right about it turning well when green. It literally spews off the bowl gouge. I always end up with Sweetgum streamers hanging from eerythig around the lathe...including me.

Nice score on the wood, too. That oughta keep you occupied for a while.