View Full Version : Cost of Pine Log

Lori Kleinberg
11-07-2008, 4:53 PM
Quick question; this guy has pine logs about 30"X30" originally cut for fire wood. What is a good price? I would like to eventually cut for scroll saw work with live edge.
This guy has about 10 of them all for $40. Good deal?


Neal Clayton
11-07-2008, 5:13 PM
what kinda pine? new pine has very little heartwood, and is pretty much white through and through (like the new 2x4s you see). older yellow/longleaf pine looks great, has a deep red heartwood, and is much more expensive. figuring what you'll be left with after squaring off the logs, and old growth #1 yellow/longleaf can be had in long lengths in the south for about 5 bucks a board foot, but you aren't getting #1 in the form of logs, so half that twice (once for the short lengths, one for the quality), assuming this was a lumber yard it'd be about 75-100 bucks worth of lumber.

i think considering you're gonna be cutting it yourself that's a fair price, if it's the good stuff. look at the rings per inch on the ends. if it's 10-20 rings or more per inch, it's probably pretty good looking wood.

Lori Kleinberg
11-07-2008, 5:19 PM
Thanks for the quick response Neal.

Roger Ronas
11-07-2008, 5:58 PM
I wood agree.

(do you like the play on words there)LOL


Anthony Whitesell
11-07-2008, 9:49 PM
Making logs also makes lots of scrap. Done neatly, it wouldn't be too hard to give him back the scrap as firewood. It beats many other ways of trying to get rid of it.

Pete Bradley
11-07-2008, 10:44 PM
Good deal? That depends, but probably not.

Do you have a means of slicing them up? Are there cut off branches that indicate the presence of big knots? How long have they been sitting? A log starts checking at the end right a way, and 30" doesn't give you a lot to cut off.

I sliced up some similar logs last year, but they were hickory and ash, I have a big band saw, and they were free.


Lori Kleinberg
11-08-2008, 12:14 AM
Thanks decided to pass on this deal.