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Duff Bement
11-06-2008, 1:24 PM
Ok guy's lets hear it - This is the first time I had the courage to post a bowl picture ( please be gentle but honest ) Ain't it amazing what an apple tree branch and 1 hour can do:D

Scott Lux
11-06-2008, 1:51 PM
Are you sure that's apple? It still looks round in the picture ;). Every thing I do in apple goes out of round pretty quickly.

Nice piece. The bark inclusion must have caused a little sweat. It'd scare me silly.


Paul Engle
11-06-2008, 2:16 PM
Nice work, i like doing apple makes the shop smell nice .

Dan Oliphant
11-06-2008, 3:04 PM
Good looking piece. Are you turning to finished wall thickness with green wood?

Duff Bement
11-06-2008, 3:38 PM
Turned it to finished thickness thru smaller opening. hit it hard with compressed air while it was running. Then I opened the top up and finished the inside and hit hard again with the air, finished sanding and put on a coat of tung oil while it was stopped then spun it and friction finished. two coats of spray lacquer and it's done.

Steve Schlumpf
11-06-2008, 4:33 PM
Looks pretty good Duff! Nice form - lots of color!

I've only tried to turn apple a couple of times and each time it cracked so bad while turning that I just stopped and threw it on the firewood pile!

robert hainstock
11-06-2008, 4:58 PM
Hope all that didn't scare you. Most don't finish turn green wood espcailly apple. your piece has nice form and finish, hope it stays that way. Thanks for sharing. :):)

Bernie Weishapl
11-06-2008, 5:15 PM
Great looking bowl for a first post. Nice form and wood looks great. Only turned apple twice. One cracked pretty bad the other was ok.