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View Full Version : FUN IDEAS part 3

Jackie McGowan
11-05-2008, 4:06 PM
This one is a hanging ornament/abstract art thingy to hang in or near a window. I used black and radiant acrylic. Bent the radiant acrylic so that the colors show more. To give it the affect of making it look more like glass I bent it more than you are supposed to so that the foil cracks. I also turned the heat up and left it in the oven longer to get the bubbles.

This one got everyone attracted to my tent at a recent flea market but no one bought it, they bought other stuff though :D

Let me know what you think :)

Steve Clarkson
11-05-2008, 4:31 PM
Thank you so much for sharing these! I'm surprised that those "art thingys" didn't sell. I can't really tell how big they are (5x7?), but I assume it was the price.....can I ask how much you were asking for them?

Jackie McGowan
11-05-2008, 4:36 PM
Yea maybe I was asking too much for a flea market ($24.00) This one is 7.5" square. That price may go better at a craft fair in my area. What do you think??

Jackie McGowan
11-05-2008, 4:38 PM
Sorry forgot to tell you the ribbon one I was also asking 24.00 (that one is about 16" long x 2.5")

Steve Clarkson
11-05-2008, 4:48 PM
Well, I certainly don't think those prices are unreasonable......especially considering what some people pay for "art"!

Barb Macdonald
11-05-2008, 6:19 PM
I'm speechless, they are gorgeous! Very cool.
Take heart, I sold a heart box out of alder today, for $20.00.
So your piece is worth, oh, waaaay more.
You just have to show them to the right people:)
You are an artist.
Loved the film bracelet.
Oh, I'm going to go look, again..

Jackie McGowan
11-05-2008, 8:03 PM
Your Welcome!
I'm glad you all liked them. I'm going to be putting a few things on consignment in a gift/craft store in a few days so I think I'll try a couple of these and see what it brings.