View Full Version : My wanna-be Gloat.

Ross Ellis
11-02-2008, 7:59 AM
I don't run across deals like some of you on Craigslist etc... but here is my possible gloat.

I live on a large creek. If this were a fishing site I'd tell you about the trout and bass infestation, but we'll stick to wood. The creek floods 2 or 3 times a year. If you look at the picture below you will notice my house, a small creek, an island then the main creek. When it floods, tons and tons of debris come down the creek including a good variety of trees. Because of the curve of the creek, the trees on the island trap any trees that come washing down.


After the flood, I usually go down and check out what the creek brought me. I consider this a wanna-be gloat because in addition to the good trees, I get tons and tons of brush, rotten trees, boats, docks, pallets, tires you name it that I have to deal with.

Picture below is a good example. Look at the size of the Dozer. Now check out the size of the big punky pine laying down in front of it. That's already cut in 2 parts. For scale, I had to cut the tree with a 18" chainsaw, from both sides, and still had to break it with the Dozer.


The usable logs, I still have to cut up and carry up to our mill with a Skid-loader. Then I have to skim most of the bark away because of the dirt and muck.

Now for the good part. Over the last few years we have gotten, 2 big Red Oaks, a good sized Cherry, a few Ash, plus a good number of pine, and sycamore. Here's a few shots of the spoils:





In the first and third picture anyone care to take a stab at what caused the large, dark ring? I think the answer will surprise some people....as it surprised me.

Kurt Forbes
11-02-2008, 8:13 AM
I would guess iron inclusion during the growth process causing that ring.

Craig T. Smith
11-02-2008, 8:50 AM
Ross, An inclusion would be my guess too. Should make an interesting piece as long as it is tight enough to stay attached. Nice gloat. Happy Woodworking, Craig

Ross Ellis
11-02-2008, 10:00 AM
It did not stay together. The pieces in the back of the truck on the left show the splits....

Andy Casiello
11-02-2008, 11:14 AM
What does that mean - an iron inclusion? Is that what caused the dark ring?

Bob Slater
11-02-2008, 11:23 AM
Just having your own Bulldozer is enough to justify a Gloat.

Rick Mellin
11-02-2008, 11:47 AM
Forrest fire.

Phil Thien
11-02-2008, 1:50 PM
Wood delivered by the hand of God.

I'm impressed.