View Full Version : Porter Cable update

Gene Michael
11-01-2008, 11:52 PM
Needed a 1/4" crown stapler today, so went to the local hardware store. PC is their main brand. They had a few staplers left, but say they can't get the nail guns any more. Also said to take care of the PC guns I have, because they can't get parts for them any more. The manager said they tried, but PC says they don't carry the parts any more and won't be getting any.

So, how's your experience with Duofast, Seneca and others?.....


Mike Heidrick
11-02-2008, 12:24 AM
Your store is full of mis information. Porter cable has no issues with their air nailers or parts.

Go to www.dewaltservicenet.com (http://www.dewaltservicenet.com) and enter your porter cable gun model number. You can buy all the parts you need right online.

For example:


Bruce Barker
11-02-2008, 10:34 AM
Slightly OT, but I have been reading on another forum, which says that the latest PC tools to hit Lowe's (which are black with grey highlights, instead of the other way around) are a vastly downgraded quality of tool. True? I assume this has been discussed here already?

EDIT: D'oh, search before posting... http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=93207

Eric Roberge
11-02-2008, 10:44 AM
They look cheep. I've always loved PC, but????
PC, Delta, Dewalt, B&D. I have them as a client, so I get the inside info from time to time. I'll ask around and repost later. Anyway, the new PC line looks to have gone more in the direction of B&D tools IMO.:mad: