View Full Version : Mixing species for Mortise and Tenon

tom tangie
10-31-2008, 4:47 PM
Do you see any problem using red oak tenons in white oak mortises? I have a bunch of red oak tenons already made is all.

glenn bradley
10-31-2008, 6:34 PM
Providing the materials are both aclimated, I see no problem. I have used ash with walnut; no problems after two years.

Gary Curtis
10-31-2008, 9:45 PM
Isn't the Domino tenon stock sold be Festool going to differ with most of the species joined with it? I've used used a bit and haven't detected any problems over a half year.

Gary Curtis

Chris Friesen
11-01-2008, 1:13 AM
In oak of either kind the tangential shrinkage is much more than the radial, and the difference between the directions is more than the difference between the species.

Basically it'll make more of a difference to make sure that the shrinkage direction in the tenon matches the mortise as much as possible than to worry about the species.