View Full Version : Newbie Frame & Panel door question

Brian Fulkerson
10-29-2008, 2:36 PM
Hellow everyone,

I am working on an entertainment/TV stand and I have a question concerning the doors that will be installed on the front. My plan is to make the two outside doors in solid Mahogany frame and Mahogany ply panel construction and the center to have solid frame and glass panel. The Mahogony ply is 3/4 inch thick so I am guessing that I am going to need to make the solid frame 1 inch, and rabbit the panel to fit. If I have 3/4" of the door inside the door opening and 1/4 inch pertruding, how much clearance around the door do I need for the doors to open and close properly?

The plan is to use standard Mortise hinges.

And suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Let me know if I need to explain my situation further.



David DeCristoforo
10-29-2008, 6:34 PM
I'm not sure why you want to make frame and panel doors with a 3/4" thick plywood panel. That could use some explanation. But assuming that you do make doors with a 1" thick frame, as long as the "extra" thickness is on the "face" side, you don't need to make any special accommodations. If you were to make the doors flush on the face with the "extra" thickness on the inside of the opening, then you would need extra reveal or bevel on the strike side of the door. The best way to work out exactly what clearances you will need is to "mock it up".

Frank Drew
10-30-2008, 1:36 PM

I agree with David that 3/4" ply is probably overkill for plywood cabinet panels; can you get 1/2" or even 3/8"?

If you use 1" thick door frames, you might need hinges with a wider leaf if you want to have the hinge barrel in the normal, outside edge of the door (and not have the screw holes too close to the edges of the cabinet face frame.)