View Full Version : Kudos to Timbertech decking

William OConnell
10-27-2008, 11:43 PM
Day one
I recently resurfaced a deck for a customer using Timbertech XLM decking. It is VERY expensive stuff. After ripping up the old redwood and reframing what I needed to we started to lay the decking using the hidden fasteners from the manufacturer ( which are also very expensive). As we got inward there started to a be grain/color variation you could only see from a certain angle. Heres the homeowners ( think mega wealthy like Bruce Wayne) response
I called the lumber yard who gave me the rep for Timbertechs number. I called him and two days later at 7 am I met the rep on site and showed him not only the color variation but the irregular spacing created using there fasteners because the groove wasn't the same dimension from board to board and I was being forced to pop lines every board and use shims ripped on site which was taxing my serenity and my checkbook. theres the reps big belly and a kid that works for me
Heres me tired of shimming. the rep took this picture.
Heres a close up of the un eveness of the groove showing why the perfectly sized spacers/fasteners weren't making a perfectly straight line. Notice the differences in the groove PVC coating from one side to the other which was random throughout all the pieces.
Anyway come to find out that the material was made in 2007 using the same molds as the rest of there line when in fact the XLM ( there most expensive and alledgedly best composite decking out there) needed to be made in its own mold.
So they sent new decking and the color and grain matched perfectly. My beef was I had to remove the old stuff which needed to be replaced and I wanted to be compensated for my time not just the material which the homeowner supplied ( Thank goodness). After talking directly to there warranty claim supervisor he told me the homeowner had called and wanted to be compensated via a discount on his materials for his aggravation and that Timbertechs policy and only liability was to replace the product and although they would entertain reimbusing me ( we negotiated a fair price) the homeowner probably wouldn't get anything. I told him the homeowner AKA Bruce Wayne owned and lived on an estate on 5 acres 25 miles east of NYC which is probably worth 10 million dollars. I told him if it were me I'd make an exception to that policy since there are 4 doors leading to the deck and if a grankid fell the wrath of Bruce Wayne would be severe, but it was really non of my business, just send me my 4k pronto so I can close the book on this job.
Well heres the kudos to Timbertech

A) They sent me a check for my time and I deposited it today
B) They sent new decking all the way from Jersey in 1 day including extra stock (1800$ worth) in case there was any problems
C) Its a beautiful and sturdy product and the new color matched radiance rails, while very expensive include everything you need and the post covers are the nicest Ive used out of any of the composites. They're a full 5"
Very nice and elegant
I didnt like this detail but he wanted me to just resurface everything. This looks WAY better then the old open stringer detail they had. I cut new stringers here and made them 3/4" deeper which made the last step sit atop the pavers which also is a nicer detail. I wrapped the deck ( picture framed) with some non grooved stock. I think this detail gives any deck a much nicer finished look
From the driveway where Bruce Wayne endorsed and gave me the check for $1260 that Timbertech sent him for his troubles. He said he thought we earned it and he and his wife are really very happy with the outcome. What a great experience meeting this guy
This deck is long and full of artsy angles. We married the deck to the irregular stone work nicely, which was a big improvement over the last deck which he really liked