View Full Version : Creeker Visit in da U.P.

Steve Schlumpf
10-27-2008, 4:38 PM
Had quite the surprise when John Bailey (fellow moderator) stopped in today for a short visit. Called and invited my neighbor, Bob Hainstock, and the 3 of us managed to drink some coffee and talk woodworking this afternoon!

This was our first time getting together and after talking for an hour or so at the dining room table – moved on to the shop tour. As John is not a turner (yet) I explained some of what I do and the tools that help make those turnings possible. Did a short show & tell of bowls and hollow forms and, generally, just had a relaxed and enjoyable afternoon!

John is real busy with building a kayak, working on a boat and several other time consuming projects but expressed interest and is going to give some thought to getting a lathe. I offered some one-on-one training just to sweeten the pot a little! LOL

99564 John on the left, Bob on right (I'm holding the camera)

It was great to meet you John! Hope to get together again sometime soon as it sure was fun!

Jim Becker
10-27-2008, 5:33 PM
'Creeker visits are fun!

Hey, John...be careful...the VORTEX beckons... :D :D :D