View Full Version : Bugs in My Willow

Burt Alcantara
10-27-2008, 4:16 PM
I discovered that my willow has a large infestation of bugs. When I get near the branches large drops of liquid drop from the tree as if it were lightly raining.

Anybody know what's going on here?


David DeCristoforo
10-27-2008, 5:49 PM
Aphids. We get em in our hackberry trees if we don't treat them in the spring and they drizzle bug snot all over everything all summer. Sometimes you can wash em off with a hose or a pressure washer and some neem to discourage them from returning.

Steve Rozmiarek
10-27-2008, 11:49 PM
Aphids. We get em in our hackberry trees if we don't treat them in the spring and they drizzle bug snot all over everything all summer. Sometimes you can wash em off with a hose or a pressure washer and some neem to discourage them from returning.

David, if you add a little dishwashing soap to the water, it will most likely kill the little buggers, rather than just moving them around. It works on the theory that if you break up the surface tension of the water droplets, it can drown some bugs. Works well on boxelder bugs too.

Ken Fitzgerald
10-27-2008, 11:59 PM

I agree with David. They look like aphids to me. We had them terribly each year on the english walnut tree I cut down to build my shop. And yeah...there is some liquid droppings as a result of them.