View Full Version : A little help this weekend

Dick Parr
05-24-2004, 8:22 AM
I spent to much time in the shop this weekend but I had some fun and spent some time with one of my oldest (9) grand daughter in the shop. I wanted to finish up the 30 pens for the FPP so that I could get them out this week. When my grand daughter asked what I was doing so long in the shop and I told her what it was about, she wanted to help. So I let her do some of the sanding on a couple of pens. She wanted to use the lathe, but after I showed her some of the things that could happen she decided to wait until she was a little older before we got started on that. She still had fun and we spent time together and that’s all that counts

John Miliunas
05-24-2004, 8:45 AM
That's just super, Dick! Sounds like you had some real quality time with your grand daughter and the both of you had fun! :D It's nice that she volunteered to help and also good that she knows enough to not push herself into something she's not entirely comfortable with. A misqueue now could very well scare her off permanently. Good move on your part in showing her some of the not-so-pleasant possibilities. She sure looks all happy with the pen in her hand! :cool:

Tyler Howell
05-24-2004, 10:04 AM
Too Nice Dick & a great helper too.;)