View Full Version : finishing wall section

Jay Yoder
10-26-2008, 6:25 PM
I have built my french cleat wall system and had a quick question about painting it. I will be attaching it to the wall so the back side will not be visible. Should I seal and paint the backside? I was thinking of leaving it unsealed but wondered if that would create any issues. The base is a 4x7 sheet of 3/4" birch ply with the cleats being made of white pine. It is for my shop, so a perfect finish is not the goal, but i am trying to prevent any warp that i have seen with other plywood panels I have around. Thanks for your input!

Jim Becker
10-26-2008, 7:15 PM
'Seems to me that if that plywood is fastened down the way it needs to be to support the intended load, it's not going to warp. But there should be no issue with applying paint as long as it's not globed on around the cleats.

Jay Yoder
10-26-2008, 9:22 PM
Jim, thanks for your response! So in your opinion i shouldn't spend the time to paint the back side? i will definately paint the cleats (front side) the plywood will be anchored at the top to the sill plate with 1/4" lags on about 8-12" spacing and to the block below with anchors.

Jim Becker
10-26-2008, 10:08 PM
I don't know that I would paint it! It's not going anywhere once you crank it down...besides, paint isn't really going to do much relative to moisture retention/absorption outside of maybe slowing it a little.

Jay Yoder
10-26-2008, 10:23 PM
Thanks Jim! I appreciate it. You always give pretty sound advice! I am new so this board is a God send!! Maybe i can actually get it hung this week! You think i should prime and paint or just prime it?

Jim Becker
10-27-2008, 8:40 AM
Using a primer on bare material is always a good idea to promote better results. It should be a primer that is compatible with and/or specifically designed to work with the paint you choose to use for best results. That said, many folks for a shop environment will just use inexpensive or leftover paint since the idea might be just to brighten up the space, rather than to create a fine finish... ;) ...the "oops" cart at the 'borg isn't a bad place to get something cheap and light in color.

Jay Yoder
10-27-2008, 9:35 PM
Those are good suggestions! I was using the Zinzer 123 product, but am almost out. I will just prime the back, flip it over and then paint the front. will keep you posted! Thanks again Jim.