View Full Version : The arbors are in! (pic)

Fred Voorhees
05-23-2004, 6:19 PM
Well, I was going to wait until the morning glory's were growing up among the lattice panels, but what the heck, I can always post an update when they are up and "bloomin" and all pretty like.

I was sick and tired of making clothesline posts that twisted and warped in time when they were constructed from SYP. So this time, I was going to do something about it.

These structures, which I built over the winter and have been storing them, are constructed from clear grade cedar and were quite pricey, but should be well worth it as I shouldn't have any trouble with them for years. At least I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

The 4X4 uprights were ten feet in length with approximately three feet buried in the ground inside of 8" PVC piping with stone dust (screenings) tamped around them and they really came up firm. The reason for this was so that drainage would be allowed from around the buried posts and hopefully, further the life of the posts before rot began to settle in.

The crossmembers are six feet in width and are roughly six feet or so above the ground which should provide lots of clearance for the clothing to hand up and dry.

Got them up this past week and transplanted the hostas early this weekend and just today (Sun) planted some morning glory's at the bases and hopefully, they will fill the arbors with lots of color in the coming months. The LOML simply loves them and the neighbor woman says she is jealous. :)

Now, if I can just keep the numerous deer away from chewing up the hostas.

Todd Burch
05-23-2004, 6:55 PM
Fred nice job. That idea of how you set the posts sound good. Let us know in 8 years how they've held up!!!

Oh, you just missed Mother's Day - but I think Sears still has a sale going on automatic DRYERS!!!

Dick Parr
05-23-2004, 8:03 PM
Very nice Fred, they look good.

Jim Becker
05-23-2004, 8:36 PM
Excellent work...as usual, Fred! Your friendly local deer will certainly apprectiate the fact that you moved those hostas closer to their "dinner table", too! :D Seriously, these arbors turned out mighty fine!

Tony Falotico
05-23-2004, 8:53 PM
Great idea and very well executed. Super attention to detail (I like the little caps on the 4x4's). I'm sure the LOYL is very happy, good time to start talking about some new tools. Works every time for me!

Bart Leetch
05-23-2004, 10:48 PM
Great Arbors Fred. Morning Glory.... I fought the spread of that weed on the home place for years once it gets a foot hold you'll really enjoy the the fight to get rid of it. :mad: :mad: :mad: I see people planting it all the time & wonder if they know what their in for??? :eek: :eek: :eek:

Kelly C. Hanna
05-24-2004, 12:23 AM
They look great Fred! That's a classy clothesline system.

Tyler Howell
05-24-2004, 10:30 AM
Way cool Fred, I'm going to steel that idea.:cool:

Daniel Rabinovitz
05-24-2004, 10:49 AM
Those are very nice but, I don't care what you folks say, I'm not going to show them to the boss, she might want me to make some too.
Daniel :D

Fred Voorhees
05-24-2004, 6:06 PM
Thanks for the compliments guys. They were a joy to design and build. Not that difficult and yes, I am pleased with them. They are now undergoing "field tests".

Great idea and very well executed. Super attention to detail (I like the little caps on the 4x4's). I'm sure the LOYL is very happy, good time to start talking about some new tools. Works every time for me!
I am thankful Tony, for the great significant other that I have. I never have to pass anything by her before considering purchases. Actually, my money is mine and hers is hers. One thing there is never any sqawking about in our household is money issues. Lots of people find our system quite odd, but it works for us.

Thanks again for the comments guys. I will probably post a follow-up pic once the "glories" are up and blooming.

Jim Becker
05-24-2004, 6:09 PM
Actually, my money is mine and hers is hers. One thing there is never any sqawking about in our household is money issues. Lots of people find our system quite odd, but it works for us.
Not odd at all...the same practice works for Dr SWMBO and I and we wouldn't have it any other way.