View Full Version : Rehab Question

Pedro Reyes
10-26-2008, 12:15 PM

Months ago I got what I though was a decent Type 9 #8 jointer. It sat in the corner for months until yesterday when I decided it was due for a cleanup.

The plane seemed extremely smooth on sole and sides, the jappaning was maybe 75% with some slight rust spots. Now I am not one to refinish a plane, I simply clean them up, file mating surfaces and then lap these surfaces again, finish by lapping the sole, oil, hone, etc.
So when I set to do this I noticed that this plane's unpainted surfaces had a color similar to gray iron (like an industrial pump housing), too dull, not like a nice patina at all, including the lever cap. So I took a wire wheel to it, what was smooth revealed some pitting. When I turned to lapping the sole and sides, rust started to come out, where before you could see an almsot uniform dull gray surface, now rust is appearing.

Does anyone know why this is? Perhaps someone was trying to restore it, and halfway thru it found a $475 dollar bill in his pocket, got the LN, and quit to put this one on Ebay.

What was this surface treatment? Was it something to deceive the buyer? (seller 1 point, buyer 0). Anyway, I don't think I should stop, it will only be more work. But if anyone thinks this is a lost cause or has some insight into my situation please let me know.

Any help appreciated.


Mike Brady
10-26-2008, 1:51 PM
My guess is that the prior owner soaked it in citric acid or EvapoRust as the first step toward restoration. He apparently quite there. It does leave a grey /yellow dull coating. You are doing the right thing in the sequence by doing you lapping next. I use a de-burring wheel after lapping and on the other assorted parts (not nickel plate, however). You can use Scotch-Brite or a wire wheel, also. Use your favorite rust preventer or wax a a final protection.