View Full Version : Bench Hooks

Tony Bilello
10-26-2008, 10:13 AM
Ever use a Bench Hook?
The use of a Bench Hook has been in existence for thousands of years.
I usually build my jigs as I need them and today I needed a Bench Hook. It’s a good Idea to make two of them. One long and one short. It’s a lot quicker and easier than clamps in certain situations
I couldn’t show a belt sander in use because I don’t own one yet.

Dewey Torres
10-26-2008, 11:35 AM
Your build of the bench hook it correct. I will point out that they are most often used with hand planes and are hooked onto the front apron of the bench to keep the board to be planed from running away from the user.

You could use a belt sander as you show in your illustration but some would mount the sander upside down and bring the piece to the sander. Thanks for posting.