View Full Version : Using a cut out piece of laminate countertop

Michael Donahue
10-26-2008, 9:44 AM
My girlfriend's mom just had new countertops installed...they're a really nice laminate on roughly 1" particleboard. She was going to throw away the cutout for the sink but I snagged it, because I have a habit of planning out projects months or years before I actually have time to get to them! :D I want to make a few small nightstands to match the bed I made a few months back, and I was thinking that these would be perfect for the tops. The problem is that the piece is a bit warped, with a mild cup towards the laminated side. There's nothing on the back so I figured that this may have something to do with it.

How can I flatten this out? Do you think I could put more laminate on the back and put some weight on it to even it out? Any other suggestions?


Thomas Williams
10-26-2008, 12:00 PM
My opinion would be that it is not really worth messing with if it is already warping, throw it away and move on.

Robert Eiffert
10-26-2008, 3:20 PM
And maybe go check to see if the new countertop isn't also warped.....

Michael Donahue
10-26-2008, 4:14 PM
The warp is mild. It's not flat enough to work as a router table or anything, but it's definitely flat enough that you don't notice it in the kitchen. :rolleyes: