View Full Version : Gotta Love the Creek

Dave Verstraete
10-25-2008, 8:27 PM
Where else can you get information about:

and Cleaning poop stains

All in one forum!!

Ken Fitzgerald
10-25-2008, 8:42 PM
Dave.....even some minor physics lessons too!:rolleyes:

Dennis Peacock
10-25-2008, 9:04 PM
Hey Dave,

You're very welcome sir. :)

This is the place to talk about shaving and the plumbing involved that cleanly supports the sport of shaving, all the while the said plumbing support takes care of the poop....AND.....you have the math involved to figure out exactly what size plumbing pipes you need and how long the pipes need to be for installation.

And who would of ever thought that shaving would be so spirited? :D