View Full Version : Amazing what a coat hanger can do

Bob Hallowell
10-24-2008, 7:21 PM
This platter is 13" and made of birds eye maple and paduk. I burned the design in with one peice of coat hanger shaped as a petal and one more shaped for the stem. I saw this technique in a free copy of woodturning design I had they made a running man. Please feel free to critque.


tim mathis
10-24-2008, 7:24 PM
Bob , that looks great.

David Drickhamer
10-24-2008, 7:36 PM
Very nice Bob. I better not let my wife see it.

David Walser
10-24-2008, 7:37 PM

That's a very attractive platter. The embellishment is simple, yet elegant. Good job!

Hilel Salomon
10-24-2008, 7:39 PM

That is fantastic.

Richard Madison
10-24-2008, 8:14 PM
Pretty cool Bob. We call those "brandin' arns" 'round heah.

Gary Herrmann
10-24-2008, 8:21 PM
Very nice, Bob. I'm gonna have to try that.

Steve Schlumpf
10-24-2008, 8:53 PM
Bob - nice combination of woods! Great looking platter - very nice finish! The branding effect gives it a spanish feel! Nice work! What's next?

Robert McGowen
10-24-2008, 9:01 PM
Nice effect with the burning. It is very equally spaced all the way around and looks great. Did it take a while to lay out the spacing or did you just eye-ball it?

Mike Vickery
10-24-2008, 10:45 PM
absolutely beautiful, I love it.

Tom Wilson66
10-24-2008, 10:52 PM
Beautiful job.

Bernie Weishapl
10-24-2008, 11:04 PM
Beautiful Bob. Great looking design and wood combo.

Michael Arruda
10-24-2008, 11:38 PM
Beautiful. Did you use an indexing head or chuck for the petals and then eyeball the stems?


Bob Hallowell
10-25-2008, 8:14 AM
Thanks guys,

I used an indexing head to mark the location with a pencil, although the former owner must of replaced the cog or something because my indexing system does not always give spot on results and those flowers aren't spaced perfectly apart. after it was marked I took it off the lathe and burned the flowers and then I kinda rolled the stem until I had enough leghth.


Steve Mawson
10-25-2008, 9:38 AM
Great idea, something new to add to the to do pile someday. Thanks for the instructions.

Jason Perrott
10-25-2008, 10:37 AM
I am certainly impressed by your branding abilities, I have experimented with it but it has never turned out that uniform, great job!

John Terefenko
10-25-2008, 10:50 AM
Very nicely done. The thing that I am amazed at is the depth of the branding. You were able to get consistant depth and equalness with a piece of wire basically. Could you explain your method a little. Bloodwood is not an easy wood to burn that deep. Were you able to just put the iron on and take off or was there a timing thing??? How did you heat it???

One more thing excellent choice on plate holder. It goes right with your theme.

robert hainstock
10-25-2008, 11:59 AM
Fantastic piece of work. Thanks for posting Bob. :):)

Grant Wilkinson
10-25-2008, 3:27 PM
Very nicely done, Bob. The burn really adds to the piece.

Jeff Nicol
10-26-2008, 3:38 PM
Bob, Just another techique I will have to try now! I better stop reading all the posts or I will never get to my shop again! I have been out in the woods with my crossbow trying to get some venison for the freezer and I am playing catch up on the forum! As I said in one of my first posts this site is addicting!

That plate is stunning!!


Bob Hallowell
10-26-2008, 4:25 PM
Very nicely done. The thing that I am amazed at is the depth of the branding. You were able to get consistant depth and equalness with a piece of wire basically. Could you explain your method a little. Bloodwood is not an easy wood to burn that deep. Were you able to just put the iron on and take off or was there a timing thing??? How did you heat it???

One more thing excellent choice on plate holder. It goes right with your theme.

Thanks for all the nice words guys, this was my first wire burning. I used only 2 peices of hanger for this. You can get as fance as you want. I used a propane torch to make the branding iron cherry red and pressed it to the wood. On the stem it was to long to make the whole stem red so I did one half the the other. Here's a pic of my wire. As you burn you do need to keep it on your chuck as you need to remount it on the lathe to sand off the over burn.


mike fuson
10-26-2008, 6:02 PM
I reall y like it as well, did you use a torch to get the hanger hot?

Bob Hallowell
10-26-2008, 6:46 PM
I reall y like it as well, did you use a torch to get the hanger hot?

Yep just a propane torch.


Ken Fitzgerald
10-26-2008, 7:29 PM
Bob....that extremely beautiful and the coat hangar embellishment is gorgeous! Very well done!

Tony Bilello
10-26-2008, 9:54 PM
Why someone would use two different kinds of woods is beyond me. Just Kidding. I do it all the time. I love the contrast. Also Padouk is my favorite wood. I especially like the burning. Do you suppose it would work with my plastic hangers?
Again, Great Job

Tony B

John Terefenko
10-26-2008, 10:04 PM

Thanks for sharing your method. Simple yet effective. Very clever. Thanks again.