View Full Version : Blood

Jim Young
03-12-2003, 9:44 PM
The other day I was cleaning out the mortices on the head board with my chisel and happened to cut my finger tip. No need to worry, it's not too bad. I didn't notice it at first but then saw the red on the board. The board is made of hard maple. How do I get rid of the stain? TIA

John Miliunas
03-12-2003, 10:01 PM
Originally posted by Jim Young
The other day I was cleaning out the mortices on the head board with my chisel and happened to cut my finger tip. No need to worry, it's not too bad. I didn't notice it at first but then saw the red on the board. The board is made of hard maple. How do I get rid of the stain? TIA

Ah, put some Pen Cherry stain on the rest of it? :D Hey, let's be careful out there! :cool:

Todd Burch
03-12-2003, 10:29 PM

(just kidding)


John Miliunas
03-12-2003, 11:13 PM
Originally posted by Todd Burch

(just kidding)


Oh, that's just great, Todd. Now we're back to the belt sander thread! :D

Todd Burch
03-12-2003, 11:36 PM
Yeah John, I just can't put a good thing down.

Jim, as far as getting the blood out, if you can't sand it out, you could try to bleach it out with oxalic acid. I've never used the stuff, so I don't know what a spot treatment would look like afterwards.

Cut yourself again and run a test on a sample piece... (kidding...)


Jim Izat
03-13-2003, 12:18 AM
Originally posted by Todd Burch
Yeah John, I just can't put a good thing down.

Jim, as far as getting the blood out, if you can't sand it out, you could try to bleach it out with oxalic acid. Todd.

Haven't tried it but I think it's safe to assume that the oxalic acid will also locally bleach the pigment from the surrounding wood.

I kid you not, I used my belt sander today (before it died) to remove blood from some of the bench components I was working on.

Someday in the far distance future someone will need to authenticate a piece it was claimed I built. They'll use DNA analysis to do it. I bleed on just about everything I build....

Jim Izat

Todd Burch
03-13-2003, 12:25 AM
Jim, You and Roy Underhill!

Jim Fuller
03-13-2003, 7:48 AM
Have you tried peroxide? When I worked as an EMT, this is what we used to remove the stains, even days after it got on the clothing.

Ken Garlock
03-13-2003, 10:58 AM
I agree with Jim. Good old H2O2 will chemically react with the blood and foam it up and out. Be aware that it is a bleach also, so us a Q-tip to work the blood spot.

IMO, hydrogen peroxide is a must in your first-aid kit in the shop. Clean every cut with it immediately.

03-13-2003, 12:48 PM
at his http://www.homesteadfinishing.com general forum. Just a thought.


Lee Schierer
03-13-2003, 12:53 PM
What about good old soap and water. It should remove most of the problem. Sand it lightly to remove the raised grain and you should be back in business.

Herb Blair
03-13-2003, 2:42 PM
Don't worry about it... all of my projects have a little blood on them. The wood gods expect a blood scrafice everytime I go into the shop.
