View Full Version : 3 up 1 down

Tony Wheeler
10-24-2008, 1:31 AM
I have been seeing some pic of what I call a winged bowl (square turning with bowl in center) where three of the corners are cut with a downward curve on the end of the points and the other corner turned up. I have thought and thought and can not figured how these are done unless they are steaming bending the one corner. Does anyone out there know how these are turned and willing to expalin the process.

Leo Van Der Loo
10-24-2008, 2:51 AM
Tony they are cut 4 up and 4 down, cut 1 off the first set of 4, and 3 off the other set of 4, so you are left with 3 down, one up, or the other way around, lots of sanding ;-))

Nathan Hawkes
10-24-2008, 6:50 AM
Tagging along here.....

How do you go about cutting them off? With a power carver, or hand chisels? I don't think it would be very safe to do this on a bandsaw:eek:.
Sounds like a cool idea I'd like to try sometime...

Tony Wheeler
10-24-2008, 5:26 PM
thanks Leo maybe I will try one of these eventhough sanding is not my favorite sport