View Full Version : Current slimline prices through smc

Dean Thomas
10-22-2008, 10:43 PM
Greetings one and all.

I've sent an off list email to Jackie to try and find out about current prices of the kits (and their availability) through SMC, but I've not gotten any response. Are things okay out there in FPP land??

I'm garnering my resources to try and get another gaggle of pens for the folks in the KCMO area, although we won't be doing as many as we did last year. Or so it looks at the moment, but hey, they could fool me. They've been known to do that.

If someone else has taken over the pricing and procurement of kits, please let me know, along with current price, break points, shipping, etc. Thanks.

Stephen Massman
10-23-2008, 9:00 AM
I am in Jefferson City MO so Dean's purchase it a bit far from me. I am also interested in purchasing some slimlines or cigars and a box of corian.

Keith Outten
10-23-2008, 12:36 PM

Jackie has been working for a couple of weeks on our accounting system. She is trying to get everyone into the new system brfore November 1st which you might recal used to be ther beginning of our annual fund drive and the majority of our Contributors are in the November annual schedule. She hopes ot make the deadline but if she doesn't we will have to extend it a few days.

I will tell Jackie to contact you ASAP.

Dean Thomas
10-23-2008, 8:23 PM
I am in Jefferson City MO so Dean's purchase it a bit far from me. I am also interested in purchasing some slimlines or cigars and a box of corian.
Hey Stephen,

No, actually it may be VERY worth your while to consider joining forces. Remember that when we're talking about buying in quantity, the rates can drop pretty quickly. And I need an excuse to take a color drive down your way so maybe we could meet in the middle or something. I do love driving 50 during the autumn in Missouri. :)

I already have at least enough to get 50 kits. Once we have prices from Jackie (thanks, Keith), we can compare apples with apples. We'll stay in touch, sir.

Jackie Outten
10-25-2008, 1:33 PM

Sorry for the delay in the response. The slimline kits are going for 1.50 each. I can also get a funline kit that is a little cheaper at 1.25 per kit. Shipping for 10 to 40 kits is $5 and for 50 to 100 kits is $9. Freedom Pens is still going strong and we are collecting pens to ship out next month so out troops will have some in time for Christmas.


Tom Wilson66
10-25-2008, 11:56 PM
Jackie, when would we need to get the pens to you for shipment next month?

Jackie Outten
10-26-2008, 8:58 PM

I will probably ship pens mid-November.


Mike Berndt
10-28-2008, 11:16 PM
Can I order some slimeline kits from you for $1.50 for the freedompen project??? Please let me know and I will paypal if possible.

Mike Berndt