View Full Version : Are we nuts?

Scott Lux
10-22-2008, 8:34 AM
We start with a material that is basically round. Then we square it up so we can make it round again. :rolleyes:

This occurred to me while I was creating bottle stopper blanks from a walnut log. Take a cylinder, cut it into cubes, make those into octagons, then make them round again. Sheeesh.


robert hainstock
10-22-2008, 9:10 AM
Just think of all the fun we are having. :D

curtis rosche
10-22-2008, 9:13 AM
they mAke bandsaws so that you can make it round, instead of square

Jim Becker
10-22-2008, 9:40 AM
Ah...now you understand why many turners, as their skills mature, skip the "pre-rounding" steps and just put a hunk of log on the lathe between centers and start cutting. It's really not necessary to use a band saw to make pretty round cylinders. In fact, it could very well compromise the ultimate quality of the turning since squaring and rounding means you've pre-committed to an orientation for the blank. And that might not be what will bring out the best in the wood. Playing between centers to "see" what you have helps optimize the final turning.

Ken Fitzgerald
10-22-2008, 9:51 AM
We start with a material that is basically round. Then we square it up so we can make it round again. :rolleyes:

This occurred to me while I was creating bottle stopper blanks from a walnut log. Take a cylinder, cut it into cubes, make those into octagons, then make them round again. Sheeesh.


So???????????????????????????????????????????????? :rolleyes:

Wilbur Pan
10-22-2008, 10:38 AM
We start with a material that is basically round. Then we square it up so we can make it round again. :rolleyes:

This occurred to me while I was creating bottle stopper blanks from a walnut log. Take a cylinder, cut it into cubes, make those into octagons, then make them round again. Sheeesh.

Wait -- the goal is to make things round? I thought the goal was to reduce a hunk of wood into little shavings, then find something wrong with the bowl-shaped remainder, and then toss it into the firewood pile.

At least that's been my workflow recently. ;)

Harvey M. Taylor
10-22-2008, 10:52 AM
Sort of like ice tea. We plant it in the sun to make it grow. Then, water it so it will be wet,dry it to crush it, put it in water to make it wet,and heat it to make it hot add ice to make it cold, then lemon to make it sour, and sugar to make it sweet then drink it when we arent even thirsty.Makes sense to me!!! Max

Neal Addy
10-22-2008, 11:04 AM
Yeah, but just think of all the money you spent to do that! :cool:

Where else can so many people spend so much money to make something round?

Jack Mincey
10-22-2008, 11:19 AM
I think that we come over as nuts to the person that just paid good money to have a tree cut down in their yard. We then come along and knock on their door to ask if we can haul the big back breaking chunks of wood out of their yard for free. They probably say, man I wished that nut had come along and cut my tree down for free as well.:D

Brian Brown
10-22-2008, 11:28 AM
Wait -- the goal is to make things round? I thought the goal was to reduce a hunk of wood into little shavings, then find something wrong with the bowl-shaped remainder, and then toss it into the firewood pile.

At least that's been my workflow recently. ;)

You forgot the part about it blowing up as we try to fix what we found wrong with it.

Ken Fitzgerald
10-22-2008, 11:43 AM
You forgot the part about it blowing up as we try to fix what we found wrong with it.

Don't fix....just call it art!:confused:

Wilbur Pan
10-22-2008, 3:27 PM
Don't fix....just call it art!:confused:

I did that with a bowl I blew up. I called it Art. It didn't talk back to me, even thought I kept calling it Art. "Hey, Art, why did you blow up?"

So into the firewood pile it went. ;)

Jeff Nicol
10-22-2008, 3:44 PM
I agree with Mr. Becker about putting a hunk of log on the lathe and start spinning it to see where it goes. I had a lovely piece of red oak that I thought held the holy grail of grain and color, but when the bark came off and the deeper I got into it the uglier it became! So on the shelf it went for a few months and later I dug it out and ir was warped and cracked and just plain firewood. But then my beautiful wife says that she likes it and that I should try and finish it. So I did and well it still had cracks and wobbled a bit. So I listed it on e-bay for $9.99 and sold it for $56.00! So I guess the beauty is in the eye of the buyer!


Ken Fitzgerald
10-22-2008, 3:52 PM
I did that with a bowl I blew up. I called it Art. It didn't talk back to me, even thought I kept calling it Art. "Hey, Art, why did you blow up?"

So into the firewood pile it went. ;)

Art sometimes talks to me.....but then I go back on my meds and everything is cool!:rolleyes:

David Drickhamer
10-22-2008, 9:50 PM
What's really nuts? Golf. Ya hit a ball with a stick and if your lucky enough to find it, ya hit it again.

Rick Prosser
10-22-2008, 10:52 PM
I was little wary of starting wood turning and joining the forum, but now I see I will fit in just fine...:cool:

Ken Fitzgerald
10-22-2008, 11:36 PM
Welcome to the Creek Rick! You'll fit in just fine........wade right in the water's fine!

Bernie Weishapl
10-22-2008, 11:42 PM
Welcome Rick. You will fit in fine with the rest of us crazies.:eek::rolleyes::cool:;)

Bernie Weishapl
10-22-2008, 11:44 PM
We start with a material that is basically round. Then we square it up so we can make it round again. :rolleyes:

This occurred to me while I was creating bottle stopper blanks from a walnut log. Take a cylinder, cut it into cubes, make those into octagons, then make them round again. Sheeesh.


Sheeessshhh Scott and your point is??????????? Oh yea we go from sqaure to round, to square to round, etc, etc, etc, Oh yea to round again.:eek::confused::rolleyes::cool:

Ken Fitzgerald
10-22-2008, 11:45 PM
Welcome Rick. You will fit in fine with the rest of us crazies.:eek::rolleyes::cool:;)

Uhhh....Mr. Weshapl.......the subject at hand is us "nuts"....not us "crazies"....:eek::rolleyes::D

Bernie Weishapl
10-22-2008, 11:58 PM
Uhhh....Mr. Weshapl.......the subject at hand is us "nuts"....not us "crazies"....:eek::rolleyes::D

UH sorry Ken I always thought it was crazies???? Nuts well maybe!!!!:p:cool::rolleyes:

Ken Fitzgerald
10-23-2008, 12:01 AM
It makes perfectly good turner sense Bernie. Nuts are round......Crazies....well they are around.....:rolleyes:

Dennis Puskar
10-23-2008, 12:10 AM
Very well put David I agree.


Raymond Overman
10-23-2008, 8:11 AM
We start with a material that is basically round. Then we square it up so we can make it round again. :rolleyes:

This occurred to me while I was creating bottle stopper blanks from a walnut log. Take a cylinder, cut it into cubes, make those into octagons, then make them round again. Sheeesh.


So, youse gotta problem wit dat buster? :cool: I mean youse saying something about dat ain't right? Cause, I mean, I don't see de problem if you know what I'm sayin. So youse saying we ain't right? We're nuts? I mean, we take a nice piece a wood and we puts it on da lathe and badda bing badda boom, something nice for ya broad. Take it home wid you. Put it on da mantle. I mean, what could be wrong wid dat? Capiche?

//sounded a lot funnier in my head I'm sure. Picture Joe Pesci in Goodfellas in the "Funny How?" scene.

Jeff Nicol
10-23-2008, 9:31 AM
I had gatherd a few black walnuts that fall from my neighbors tree into my yard earlier this summer. So I was digging through the mess around my chopsaw and found them. They still had the green husk on them but they were dry and hard. So I like a challenge and glued one to a wooden morse taper and started to turn it. I think it will become a little lidded box as the shape of the nut lends itself to that. So I will post a pic when complete! Just have to keep the squirrels out of the shop!


Kurt Bird
10-23-2008, 4:56 PM
At one time I heard the definition of a woodworker: someone who takes big pieces of wood, cuts them into small pieces of wood, and then assembles them together to make big pieces of wood (furniture). Based on this definition, I don't think turners are nuts at all; at all; at all; at all;:D:D