View Full Version : stanley 10 rabbet plane

valentine arnold
10-21-2008, 10:42 PM
hi I have just purchased a stanley 10 rabbet plane it comes with no frog can any body point in the direction where i may be able to buy a frog for this plane . I live in nsw australia any help would be appreciated very much thanking you all :mad:

Jim Koepke
10-23-2008, 11:21 AM
If you have an early #4 or #5, I would see if one of them would work.

Either that or set you watch list on eBay for one.


Bill Houghton
10-23-2008, 11:50 AM
I've got a Stanley 10-1/2 (10 is jack plane length, 10-1/2 smoother plane length), and the frog looks identical to regular bench plane frogs. You might type (without the quotes) "Stanley plane type study" into your search engine to find some studies on the various design changes in Stanley planes, then use that as the basis for determining what frog will likely fit your plane (I don't know that the 10 series planes made the same changes, but it's a start).

Marcus Ward
10-23-2008, 11:53 AM
According to Patrick Leach, the frog from an older #3 will fit, the one without the central rib.