View Full Version : Good CL deals for Jet lathes

Dick Strauss
10-18-2008, 9:18 PM
For people ready to jump into woodturning, I've run across a few good deals on CL that I posted in the "Deals and Discounts" area. There are listings for Jet 1220 and 1442 lathes all over the country (Cleveland, Milwaukee, Sacramento, and Richmond).

Be prepared to spend lots more money on chucks, tools, and wood. Don't say I didn't warn you...!!!

Good luck,

Bernie Weishapl
10-18-2008, 9:48 PM
Strauss you are evil. You know that. Tempting these guys and gals like that.:D:rolleyes::cool:;)

Mike Cutler
10-18-2008, 9:57 PM

Lathe was free.


Nova G3 chuck, and thread adapter,

Set of pinnacle tools, on sale.

#2 MT drill,

Link Belt,

Some blanks to practice on........

No one warned me in time.;)

Dick Strauss
10-19-2008, 2:30 AM
Hey, I don't want to be the only one that fell down the slippery slope of woodturning. Woodturning is like the old bait and switch routine. The lathe is the bait and shortly thereafter you switch your wallet for the lathe all the absolutely neccessary accessories (at least that's my story and I'm sticking to it!;)). I wish someone had warned me in advance but I'm glad they didn't...otherwise I may not have jumped!

Steve Mellott
10-19-2008, 1:05 PM
Still - some of these prices are extremely reasonable! ($500 for a Jet 1442)

Dick Strauss
10-19-2008, 11:02 PM
The CL listings had a Jet 1220 for $300 (Cleveland) and a couple of Jet 1442s for $500 (Richmond, VA) and $550 (Milwaukee, WI) respectively.

There was also a lathe in Sacramento, CA that might be a 1442 for $300 IIRC (the lathe was listed as a 14" Jet lathe). They were including a Nova chuck in the deal.

Welcome to the vortex...