View Full Version : Organization and New Clamp Rack

Scott Coffelt
05-20-2004, 10:23 AM
With all the recent buying of Bessey's and Jorgies through the various closeouts and specials, I started to run into storage issues for my clamps. So I decided to purge out some of the ones I didn't need (i.e., cheapo pipe clamps and some specialty clamps). That made way for space to rearrangement my clamping. The first pic shows mainly my specialty clamps and a few pipe clamps I decided to keep, along with some other items. The peg board has been really nice as I have changed several times over the years when new clamps got added to the mix.

Next, the I built a new rack wall to handle all the parallel clamps and the deep throat Bessey's. The rack was made from threaded galvanized rod and couplers I got from the Borg. Works really good. Due to the lay out of my small shop its hard to get a pick showing all the clamps at once, but there are a bunch there (Bessey's: 8 - 50's, 8 - 40's, 16 - 24's, 4 heavy duty tradesmans; Jorgies - 4 each of 24, 36 and 48).

Anyways, thought I would share.

Gary Whitt
05-20-2004, 10:32 AM
Nice looking racks. :)
I've gotta get my shop better organized like yours!
So, do you like bar clamps???? ;)

Rob Russell
05-20-2004, 10:38 AM

Not-So-Sleath Clamp Gloat! :eek: :eek: :D

Scott Coffelt
05-20-2004, 10:43 AM
Gary when you only have 300 or so sq ft, you damn well better be organized, or nothing would ever get done. Jack Diemer gives me such crap for always redoing things to get a better fit, layout, or something. I think when you have more space, its easy to be less concise and organized, because stuff is less likely to get in your way. :rolleyes:

Kent Cori
05-20-2004, 10:54 AM

Since you've obviously taken "clamp diversity" to heart, how would you compare the Bessey and Jorgie clamps?

Scott Coffelt
05-20-2004, 11:08 AM
The Jorgies are bigger, but I still reach for the Bessey over the Jorgies first. That may change over time, but for now I would say the red ones. I do like the reversable head feature of the orange ones, though.

Keith Starosta
05-20-2004, 12:22 PM
Scott.....it doesn't look like you can buy anymore clamps anytime soon. You'll have to reorganize again!!! :D

Looks great! I definitely have clamp envy.


Jason Tuinstra
05-20-2004, 12:25 PM
Scott, looks like you made a killn' with all the deals. Good for you. Great idea with the rack system. Very creative.

Tyler Howell
05-20-2004, 2:21 PM
Looking good Scott. I like the Bessy Door set, very handy

First time I've seen a rack like that but then I don't get around much! :o

Byron Trantham
05-20-2004, 2:29 PM
Scott, I thought I had a bunch of Besseys. Oh well! :rolleyes:

Nice clamp racks.

Scott Coffelt
05-20-2004, 3:20 PM
Hi I am Scott Coffelt, I am addicted to tools deals, thanks for having me in the WWA :D . I think I have a enough clamps now, I just didn't say that did I? :eek: Now, I am trying to find a score on one of those Rigid planer deals in the KC area, no luck. Not that I really need it or anything. :p

Honestly, I stole the bar idea from somebody else on one of the forums, I tried another approach, but ran out of space. Imagine that. Anyways, I think I have about $30 in total for the bar clamp rack. I really like those holders they sell at WoodPecker's, but at $17/a piece that's pretty steep, I think I would have needed at least 5.

Steve Clardy
05-20-2004, 7:40 PM
Scott. Hi. I am Steve Clardy. Master Clampitis technician.
What you need to do is add on to your shop and have Jack come over and build and organize all your clamps.
This will cure two things.
Have a BIGGER shop!! Whoopee!!!
Get Jack off your back!!!!!!

Waymon Campbell
05-20-2004, 8:33 PM
With all the recent buying of Bessey's and Jorgies through the various closeouts and specials, I started to run into storage issues for my clamps.

Scott - If you need any help with clamp storage you could sure store them in my shop :D :D :D .

Seriously though, nice setup...

Terry Hatfield
05-20-2004, 8:53 PM

Dude!!! That looks great!!! Where exactly did the new bandsaw fit into the shop plan?

BTW....I stocked up on the HD bessey deal too. I had to make a new rack myself. :D :D


<IMG SRC="http://www.terryhatfield.com/cr5.jpg">

Bruce Page
05-20-2004, 9:08 PM
Scott, your clamp rack looks great but Dude, ya gotta finish painting that wall! :D

Scott Coffelt
05-20-2004, 10:55 PM
Terry, the bandsaw took the place of the old one sort of. I have it a tad bit farther from the wall. You can see the motor in one of the picks. I have it out far enough that I can easily get behind to reach clamps.

Still trying to get a new shop, but land prices or building restrictions have not been kind. I am looking for about 1-2 acres in Johnson County, with all utilities and high speed internet. When I find something they throw in BS requirements like all stucco or brick or what not. At that rate, the lot and house hit the $500k mark, about $100k more then I would like to spend. We have slowed down our search, hoping something will eventally come on market. Add to that, the dang price of construction materials is going through the roof. I may just be were I am at, unfortuately if that occurs, no room for expansion.

Terry, I always new you had a nice rack :rolleyes: .

Scott Coffelt
05-20-2004, 10:57 PM
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention if I have to paint my walls I have to move the tools. Not going to happen, too much work. :p

Mike Wilkins
05-21-2004, 10:01 AM
Nice rack. It should be illegal for one person to have that many nice clamps
and to be so organized. Have to go now; need to clean the drool from the