View Full Version : Curly Pine

Lee Schierer
05-20-2004, 8:33 AM
Well, you asked for it or at least Todd Burch did. Here are the photos of the curly pine I picked up ar Home Depot the other day. The curliness shows up better in person than it seems to in the photos. There were close to two dozen curly boards in teh stack. I only needed about 10 for what I was doing so I picked out the defect free ones. This wood has been very nice to work with so far, it seems to have been properly dried as it doesn't warp, twist cup or move when cut. We'll have to see how it works with the stain and finish.

Todd Burch
05-20-2004, 10:14 AM
Yep - that's about as curly as I've ever seen pine get. Glad to hear there were no drying defects added to the wood. Thanks Lee.

Christopher Pine
05-20-2004, 6:16 PM
I thought this was about my brother again! Curly is allways getting into trouble.
Chris Pine