View Full Version : Can you have too many drawers?

Jim Winslow
10-16-2008, 10:01 PM
A while back I purchased a set of Popular Mechanics do it yourself Encyclopedias from the 50’s just for kicks. In looking through them I ran on to a plan for a Round-Cornered Cabinet that I liked and could fit in the garage.

The cabinet had 24 drawers and I like drawers so I made the top half with the drawers out of MDF it came out well but didn’t like it much. Over Labor Day weekend we made my brother one out of #3 pine it came out great so I made one for myself the next week end look at the picture. Then a few weeks later I was looking the fishing shelves I had and made another cabinet but this time I made the base and changed the top to include a tool box to hold larger things, which I think came out great check the picture.

I made about 100 drawers making these 4 cabinets.

Jude Tuliszewski
10-17-2008, 12:15 AM
I would think you can make drawers in your sleep after that. :p

Mike Heidrick
10-17-2008, 12:18 AM
How much did all the pulls cost? They look great!

Jim Winslow
10-17-2008, 8:55 AM
pulls cost just under $2 each plus shipping so I have about $70 in pulls for each cabinet.

The wood was free as it was crating for a score board at the high school so I have more into pulls than the wood cost.

Greg Cole
10-17-2008, 9:01 AM
Drawers are the best way to keep organized, IMO.
Then again there are few drawers in my shop, so MAYBE that's why I have storage issues? :rolleyes:
Nice projects there and the free wood is always a plus.
Can't help but say they bring me back to a school ager as they look like a card catalog from the middle up....


Mike Wilkins
10-17-2008, 9:03 AM
No you can't. You need to wear clean ones every day. Remember what your mom said?
Oh wait.
You mean those kind of drawers.
Since us wood butchers need lots of storage space for all of our do-dads, thingamajigs, whichamacallits and metric pliers, I am always reviewing my own storage needs.
Especially since we have trouble throwing things away. Nice storage by the way.

Mike Wilkins
10-17-2008, 9:05 AM
Forgot to ask. What kind of joinery did you use for the drawers. I like the cabinet/hutch design so much that I printed the photo and may attempt to make one for shop. Thanks.

Jim Becker
10-17-2008, 9:08 AM
That's a really nice design and very useful to my eyes. Not too many drawers, IMHO...and great for keeping track of all the little things in an attractive (!) way including small tools.

Steven Bolton
10-17-2008, 9:12 AM
Are you a Shaker? They made a lot of drawers.

Very nice looking.

Steve Bolton

Joe Cunningham
10-17-2008, 9:53 AM
Wow, nice set of drawers.

What kind of finish did you use on that pine? It looks great. My finishing attempts with my pine test panels have ended up looking ugly, and I have a shop cabinet waiting to be done (might just go the milk paint route).

Jerome Hanby
10-17-2008, 9:59 AM
I think my Dad has that same set of encyclopedias, are they each a bit more than half an inch think, hardback, and red? I'm heading to the folks this weekend, I may need to peruse those tomes again. last look I was probably twelve :D

John Thompson
10-17-2008, 12:19 PM
I think asking if you can have too many drawers would be the equilavent of asking can I have too much shop space or electrical outlets. :)

BTW... you did a nice job building those cabinets. You most likely won't be intimidated the next time you do an inside the house project that requires drawers I bet-cha....


Jim Winslow
10-17-2008, 3:43 PM
I painted the frame and put a coat of polyurethane on the drawer fronts.

The first one I pained the frame and drawers also but the pine looked so good I had to keep them natural.

The tool box in the tall cabinet was a first for me never made a cabinet like that with drawers and guides on the side.