View Full Version : Does This Look Right?

Jon Lanier
10-16-2008, 9:54 PM
I purchased some tea cups and a couple other small candles. I also found this Votive cup for .50. Thought I'd try it out. I decided that I'd stop where I was at and not put any kind of finish and ask my wife if it looked "right" or "okay?"

She's a little mixed so I thought I'd throw it out there and see what you all thought?

What you think? (Remember no finish on this ... it will finish darker.)



She also was curious if the "size" of this candle would look better?


Bernie Weishapl
10-16-2008, 11:17 PM
Jon that is a beauty. If you look at each one on the side it looks like a dove flying off. Kinda cool. I like the 3rd pic's.

Scott Conners
10-16-2008, 11:21 PM
I like the larger candle on top - the glass is so nice and small and delicate that the large base is overly heavy. I think I'd make the base not quite as tall. Another way I see is the glass top, but with the center pedestal turned down to match the diameter of the glass base and the top of the stand hollowed out slightly in a smooth cup ring around the pedestal. I like the diameter because of that awesome knot. Just my quick thoughts =)

Allen Neighbors
10-17-2008, 12:30 AM
Jon, that's purty! I really like the wood, too. Pics? I like the first one best, and so does my wife. We both like the form. Looks like it was made for that little votive globe.
I think it would look really nice to make three of them, with the same shape, but out of contrasting woods, and sit them as a group on a table with votive candles burning in the little globes.
Just a country bumpkin, but that's given my wife and I an idea.
Nice work. Thanks for posting! :)

Greg Ketell
10-17-2008, 1:09 AM
Since you asked...

I personally think it would look really cool if you inset the glass candle holder down to the widest part. Then you would have the candle body in the wood and the wick up into the glass and the glass would be "growing" up and out of the wood like a flower blossoming.

But, that is just me. :D


Rich Stewart
10-17-2008, 10:54 AM
I really like the wood. I like the concept. Somehow that form is not doing it for me. Looks kind of clunky to me. I keep envisioning something a little wider at the base and smaller toward the top. Maybe it is the rounded bottom that just don't quite look right to me. But, hell, what do I know? I thought about making one of these a while back and you have inspired me to look again. Thanks for posting.

jason lambert
10-17-2008, 11:30 AM
What a nice pice of wood. It is realy hard to tell thh first pic the wood looks a bit heavy but in the second it is ok. Maybe if you just did a consistant slope to the candle making the top a bit more delicate. But it is really hard to tell from the pic in this case. Again really looks nice.

Steve Mawson
10-18-2008, 5:24 PM
Great piece of wood. Just does not quite look right for this beautiful piece. I like the glass better than the big candle. Agree with Jason-perhaps taper toward the top.

Dean Thomas
10-18-2008, 11:08 PM
Jon, I agree with Scott and others that the form is very pleasing, but that the one with the glass is really bottom heavy. I like it better with the more massive candle and think it would look even better with a taller candle that had some heft on it to balance it out. I can see it with like a 1.5 or 2" candle at about 8" tall.

OTOH, if the wood portion were MUCH larger, and the votive rested on top of it more like a flame, it might work better. Think about some of the brass lamps that were fairly chunky and had just a whisp of flame showing. The votive glass is just a tweener for me.

Still, very nice work and great wood.

Clara Koss
10-19-2008, 2:09 AM
funny all you guys have a relly nice femenine side!!!!! i like both the glass and the candle>>>> but i agree with one of you that the glass should fit into the wood just as the candle does.... and yes it looks like a dove flying off...very nice piece...;)

Jerry Lawrence
10-19-2008, 10:06 PM
First, let me say that since I haven't even tried anything with any form for myself, that I'm sure that's nicer than anything I would 'turn' out. I do love the wood and figure, but since you did ask....lol....I think the piece would look best if trimmed flat right at the top of the ''dove's" head, at the top of the flat side, leaving the top design to hold the votive glass. The bottom could be turned into a beautiful bowl. That way the 'dove' could still live on. Just my own personal opinion, still great either way!