View Full Version : Jet14-42 Motor burn up?

George Morris
10-15-2008, 9:56 PM
Hi to all I need a little help! My Jet 14-42 Motor was very hot with bad smell and wierd sound! Does this mean it is time for a new motor? Any suggestions from where to buy? I guess I should go to Jet? Thanks!!

David Drickhamer
10-15-2008, 10:11 PM
Check and see if you have a lot of debris built up in the motor. A while back I turned some Plexiglas and had to take the cover off the end of the motor and clean it out. Otherwise call Jet and see if your still under warranty.

George Morris
10-15-2008, 10:18 PM
Cleaned it out but motor is red hot when running lathe is 2nd hand and at least 6 years old? George

Denny Rice
10-16-2008, 12:10 AM
If the motor is bad, and it's not under warranty pull out the phone book and look for a local electrial shop. From there they can probably point you to a small local shop which can rebuild that motor for a lot less than a new one will cost. Over the years with these kind of 110v and 220v motors its usually something small (in price) in the motor that causes it to stop working. Its worth 20 bucks to find out whats wrong with it before you pay 200.00 for a new motor. And over the years I have found that the "factory motor" that came with the lathe is much better built than a replacement motor. Just a thought.