View Full Version : New tool...What do you think ?

Thomas Chatfield
10-14-2008, 5:28 PM
First let me say hello. I have been a member for 5 months and have learned alot just from reading all this time.This is my first post. Today after reading all the "what table saw should I get posts" I pulled the trigger on my new TS. Purchased a new PM2000 as well as a new PM1300 Dust collector. Now the nice part is due to a website price error I got it for $2199.00 with all the accessories it came to $2379.00 (both low profile & thin kerf riving knives, zero clearance & dado inserts ) total with DC was $2869.00. no tax and free shipping! I guess I am looking for some confirmation that this was a good deal to combat any buyers remorse I may have tonight :D. (And to show my wife that someone other then me would have bought it at this price)

Von Bickley
10-14-2008, 6:04 PM
I have no idea about the value of your equipment, but I wanted to say "Welcome to The Creek". :)

Charles Krieger
10-14-2008, 6:18 PM
I purchased the PM2000 a couple of years ago and paid almost the same price plus tax, without the riving knife and thin kerf knife, as you paid. I'd say you got a good deal, especially since PM has had a price increase since I bought mine. By the way I do like the saw and have no regrets.

I have recently purchased the low profile riving knife and the thin kerf knife at a cost of $60.00.

I expect to see a bit of PM discounting now that Delta has a new version of the Unisaw that has a riving knife. The new Unisaw looks pretty good from what I have read and seen so far and it will be competition for PM if they price it right. There may be some, old style but new, Unisaws available at pretty steep discounts now too. The riving knife feature on the new Unisaw is pretty slick and I would definately not want the old version even if the old version came priced considerably less.

Gary Lange
10-14-2008, 7:29 PM
Welcome to the Creek! If you got what you wanted at a price you were willing and able to pay then you got a good deal. I am quite sure you will be very happy when they get delivered.

Bruce Page
10-14-2008, 7:39 PM
Thomas, you could have got that same setup at ACME Tool for $1185.00!! :eek::eek:

Those are both very nice machines that will give you years of good service.
I’m kidding about the price, like Von, I don’t know what normal retail is either…:D

Welcome to SMC

Peter Quinn
10-14-2008, 8:29 PM
Welcome Thomas. I'd say who cares about the price if you had the money. The real value of that tool comes when you use and enjoy it. I paid a similar price for a PM66 several years ago, before the PM2000 was sold, and it has paid me dividends. No remorse here. Enjoy it and work safe.

Oh, and gold is a lovely color for a tool!:D

Mike Cutler
10-14-2008, 8:49 PM

First. Welcome to Sawmill Creek, pleased to meet ya'

No buyers remorse necessary. You may one day upgrade the DC to a cyclone, but if not, that combo will more than satisfy your needs for a very long time.

Of course, the only problem with buying top quality machines is that you can't blame the machines when a mistake is made.;)

Once again though. Welcome.

Scott Wigginton
10-15-2008, 7:16 AM
Don't forget about their Power Up (http://www.powermatic.com/Media.aspx?nav=Promotions)Sales event, for 2 tools you should qualify for a $50 MIR on the saw and a $25 MIR on the DC. Since you got two tools you double that and should get a $150 rebate.

As for the price, based on the lowest prices for the TS and DC on that sales flyer (excluding accessories) you saved at least $560 and you the total should get $700 with rebate.

That said, it's not a gloat until you post pics! :D