View Full Version : WTB chuck redux, a question this time! :)

Michael Arruda
10-12-2008, 9:29 PM
Hello again,

Sorry for posting a WTB, didn't mean to break the rules. I'm looking for a good chuck for under $100. I know that's a big thing to ask for.

I've been looking at the PSI Utility chuck, the Grizzly Vic copy, and the knock offs they sell at Woodcraft. I tend to have a steak taste on a hamburger budget, and have never liked, shall we say, Pacific rim manufacturing ideals. Which would explain why my shop is 90% old arn I've cleaned up and brought back to functioning.

So, I'm back to the drawing board, looking for a used chuck, or something close to my budget. Unfortunately the only lathe I have right now that's up and running is a Pioneer VS Midi lathe with extension, that is soon to be replaced with an old Walker Turner, and someday, a nice, big lathe, maybe a Powermatic 90 or Oliver. So, for now, I have a 10" lathe to work with, but would like to be able to use the same chuck when I upgrade to a larger lathe. Also, the Pioneer is 1x8 while the WT is 3/4x16.

So far, I have these in mind, unless I find a used one or something on e-pay.
1)Nova chuck- this would be the cheapest, but I think it's threaded instead of inserts, so not the ideal. It is, though, in the price range at $50.

2)Nova G3- $115 shipped, with adapter on e-pay. A little out of price range, but manageable.

3)Supernova2- $125 plus S&H, plus adapter... probably around $160 or so all told. Considerably out of the price range, but is it worth it over a G3?

I'm thinking the G3 or SN2 would be the best purchase. Is the SN2 that much better than the G3? I know it can spin a larger item, which is a plus whenever I upgrade lathes, but for now, is it worth an extra close to $50? I MAY be able to eek that out of the budget if it's that big of a difference.

My experience is with pens mostly, but I'm starting to expand a little into goblets and the like. I'm looking for something to make inside out ornaments to give to family this year, and toys and trinket boxes to give to children in my area whose parents have been laid off or just hit hard by the economy and can't buy them gifts. Aside from the basic jaw set, I think I'll eventually want a pin jaw set, and a donut chuck thingamabobber. Those are down the line, though.


Bernie Weishapl
10-12-2008, 11:16 PM
I can't help with the other chucks but do have a Vicmarc VM100 and three Grizzly knock off's. I am extremely happy with the grizzly's and I am talking the $99 one. I have had the one now for 3 yrs and no problems at all so I bought 2 more and put Vic jaws on them so I wouldn't have to be changing. I have turned some big 16" piece with those chucks.

Ken Fitzgerald
10-12-2008, 11:29 PM

Welcome to the Creek!

I have a SN2 and it's served me well.

Don Eddard
10-13-2008, 12:32 AM
I have both the SN3 and G3, and would recommend either.

Michael Arruda
10-13-2008, 1:13 AM
Okay, let me figure this out, comparative size-wise.

Nova Precision Midi = Vicmarc VM100 = Griz VM copy = 12" lathe rated, up to 14" bowl, can handle- outside of spec- 16". Nova has set mounting thread.

Nova = Talon = Oneway= G3 = 14" lathe rated, max 16" bowl, I'm assuming can handle 18" outside of spec.

SuperNova = SuperNova2 = Titan = Stronghold = 16" lathe rated, max 20", much larger with special jaws, Titan and Stronghold beefier for larger turnings.

Sound right?

So.. if I'm looking at the Grizz for $100, I'd be better off with the G3 for $14 more, right? Am I missing something, or is this about right?

Sorry... there's so many choices, and with no experience with any of them, it's a hard decision.


Michael Arruda
10-13-2008, 1:34 AM
Okay, I've been doing some more research. Seems TT never made an integral threaded 1x8TPI Nova, so I'm guessing that old Nova for $50 uses inserts and should do nicely, for the price.

Anyone have experience with the original Nova? Good, bad, indifferent?


Hilel Salomon
10-13-2008, 8:17 AM

Bernie's right. The Grizzly is the best bang for buck chuck I have. It takes both the smaller vicmarc and all the SN jaws, so it's versatile. I have 6 SN2's, two Grizzly's, embarrassingly many Oneway Strongholds, and almost equally embarrassingly many vicmarc 120's. They are all good chucks, just not equally good. I bought the chucks on sale or clearance, because I decided to never have to change jaws. Depends a great deal on what you want to hold, but the Grizzly's will generally hold medium large bowl blanks without difficulty. Keep in mind that the newest SN2's are made in China as are the Grizzly's. If you want a non-pacific rim product, get a oneway (made in Canada) or Vicmarc (in Australia or NZ). If you really want Cadillacs, you might prefer the smaller ones from either mfr. I have friends who swear by the Vicmarc 100 and/or Oneway Talon.Unfortunately, neither is available at $100.
Good luck, Hilel.

Michael Arruda
10-13-2008, 3:59 PM
I jusy got word back- the Nova does not have threaded inserts, so I couldn't move lathe to lathe.

So, we're back here-
SN2 Refurb, $124, plus an adapter- I'm looking at a 1x8 from a member here for $10. I'm guessing probably $10 to ship the chuck, $2 to ship the adapter, so about $145 all told.

G3- $114 shipped with adapter

Grizzly Vic copy- $114.15 shipped

From the specs, it looks like the G3 has a larger capacity than the Grizz- the G3 manual says up to a 14" lathe while the Grizz is rated up to 12". If this is so, I'm guessing the G3 is a better chuck for the same money, right?

Is the SN2 worth $30 more than the G3? Would I be kicking myself eventually for not getting the SN2?


Michael Arruda
10-13-2008, 6:42 PM
Okay, down the spiral I go...

I was just offered a Barracuda2, NIB, for $140 shipped. I know that's about the same price as the SN2, and the SN2 must be a much better made unit, but all the accessory jawas sure are tempting...

Especially now that I know that EVERYTHING in my price range are made in China... :(

Please give me some further advise here. I have a bad tendency, or good, possibly, of trying to look at things from every conceivable angle. Problem is, when it comes to making purchases, I end up like this, with too many options and too little knowledge. Heck, I'm half tempted to go with my original plan, buy the Nova for $50 and live with it until I change lathes, then get a new chuck. Just seems like throwing away $50 to me, though.

So, G3 for $114, SN2 for $145, or Barracuda2 for $140? The Grizz is still there for $114, but I'm thinking that for the same money the G3 is a better chuck.

Bill Blasic
10-13-2008, 7:15 PM
For the money the G3 is a better choice. I have 3 G3's and I also have the Grizzly. I have had trouble with the grizzly screws that hold the jaws breaking or stripping. I have bought better longer screws and replaced the originals. The Griz now fixed works fine but if I could get a G3 for the same price as the Griz, again I would choose the G3 in a heartbeat.

Allen Neighbors
10-14-2008, 12:43 AM
I have 2 SN2s and 1 Titan. I'd take another SN2 for that price, anyday! It's a definate better choice in my book. Reason being the jaws will interchange with other Nova chucks, which will make it far more economical in the long run.
I have chucked 16" bowls with my SN2 and 24" bowls with my Titan. A chunk of Sweet Gum that I cored the other day weighed about 125 lbs, if I'm any judge of weight. The titan did well.

Mike Henderson
10-14-2008, 1:23 AM
SN2 Refurb, $124, plus an adapter-.

Michael - where did you find a refurb SN2 for $124? I'd be tempted by that.
