View Full Version : vanity of vanities

Alfred Cole
10-11-2008, 2:52 AM
I'm in a real quandary. I built a vanity and showed it on this site. Someone wanted dimensions and plans to build something similar. Now comes the problem. The enquirer caught me just as I had come back from two months sailing holiday and I've mislaid his contact info. Worse still I only think it was someone from this site. If you are out there contact me because I hate letting people down.


Eduard Nemirovsky
10-11-2008, 11:01 AM
Hi Jerry,
it wasn't my who asked, but I am planning to build vanity next week and I am looking for a plan.
I did check internet sites, but can't find anything suitable for me. It will be two sink vanity.
May I ask you to share your plan, please?:o

Alfred Cole
10-11-2008, 11:19 PM
To Ed and Heather,

I tried to load a photo of the vanity I made so you could decide whether it was what you wanted. The system curtly told me I had already loaded that photo under the thread,"This "French Polish Thing Really Works." So have a look and decide if it is what you require and I will do my best to send dimensions and my method of work. It is actually a straightforward construction made in solid OZ blue gum.

The idea was to avoid having a wall cabinet, as I was aiming for a minimalist effect. Therefore the bottom draws were made to fit the tallest talcum and toilet containers and the top draw has the electric wall plug set into the back of the drawer with a flexible power cord to the wall. In this way things like hair driers, etc can safely be left plugged in for use and it is an incentive for people not to leave these items cluttering the bench top.


Alfred Cole
11-05-2008, 9:42 PM
Sorry about delays in providing info. I'm not flash hot on computers and mine crashed and was away for a week being fixed. On return it was missing paint.net and sketch up. Just couldn't reload them. They are back in now and I'll try to get some sort of plan and instruction schedule together.asap.
As I explained earlier, I wasn't expecting anyone to be that interested in my unit and so I took very few photos and made no plans of it. In the process of coming to grips with sketch up and so hopefully it will help


Michael Pauly
11-05-2008, 11:20 PM

I believe I was the one that was interested in your construction method for the vanity that you posted here:


I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel of an epic (only in time to complete, not in size) bathroom remodel and my wife asked me to construct a set of floating vanities very similar to yours. While I'd love to know more about the detailsiof its construction and method of hanging, I'd hate to put you out and ask you to start from scratch and mock-up in Sketch Up. I do appreciate the sentiment though and would definitely appreciate anything you could provide. Heck, a scan of a drawing on a napkin or even a simple write up would suffice :D
