View Full Version : Spalting

John Frigillana
10-10-2008, 1:48 PM
:(How can I reduce the spalting on a bowl that was left to long. Used a watered down mixture of bleach, brushed on. Would this affect the finish?:confused:

robert hainstock
10-10-2008, 2:15 PM
Bleach should help, a rinse wipedown with a mixture of baking soda and water should neutralize the bleach. A water wipedown is all I've ever used before finishing though. Good luck. :)

Bernie Weishapl
10-10-2008, 11:43 PM
I have did the same thing as Robert with good luck but again that is before finish has been applied. I am not sure it would do much good if you already have the finish on.

Jason Solodow
10-11-2008, 10:01 AM
Why do you want to reduce the spalting? Has it gotten too punky? The more spalting it gets, the more I like it... If the wood has gotten too soft in a few small areas I would harden it with Thin CA. If the entire thing is soft, I've had alot of success with using a 50/50 mixture of Kirklands Dish Detergent/Water. Soak the piece for 24 hours then turn and dry. In my experience, it does not effect the finish at all.

Jim Becker
10-11-2008, 10:11 AM
Spalting only continues if the piece's moisture level is above a certain point. Perhaps some careful drying will help you get the result you want.