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View Full Version : Router inlay kits

Prashun Patel
10-10-2008, 10:23 AM
I'd like to experiment with inlays on my next table project. Anybody have a recommendation for a decent entry-level kit that has everything I'd need to fit a Bosch 1617?


Larry Fox
10-10-2008, 10:33 AM
For string inlays I tend to stay away from the router and instead use a simple shop-made scratch stock. I think it gives me much better control. For wider stringing, like for my current project, I picked up a so-called precision router base from Stewart MacDonald (link below) that is used with a Dremel tool. It worked great but the Dremel suffers from the same shortcoming as the router which is if you slip the piece you are working on is essentially toast.

FWW has a few good articles on it that can be downloaded in PDF with an online membership.


Roland Johnson had a good one in March / April 2001. Steve Latta also had a good one.

Lee Schierer
10-10-2008, 11:33 AM
Freud makes a nice kit with a two piece bushing for use with a router. It will fit most routers. If you get one, I would advise that you should buy a spare router bit for it at the same time as the 1/8" diameter bits are easy to break when you first get started.http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/418NX0Z3YXL._SL500_AA280_.jpg

Larry Browning
10-10-2008, 12:10 PM
I would advise that you should buy a spare router bit for it at the same time as the 1/8" diameter bits are easy to break when you first get started.
I will second this recommendation! I broke the bit on mine within about the 1st 5 minutes. I then had to order another bit (actually I order 2) and wait another week for it to arrive before I finished my 1st inlay. It worked fine after that, but I learned to move the router a bit slower and I haven't broken the second one.

These kits are designed for small patch like inlays such a a bow tie shape (and they work fine of that) but if you are wanting to do borders or strips or something like that, this is not the tool. I have never done any of that kind of inlay work , so someone else will have to help you there.