View Full Version : Market Turmoil made my DC decision

Bob Slater
10-10-2008, 10:09 AM
Was considering going to Buffalo NY and buying a JDS or Grizzly single stage DC, but thanks to our Diving Canadian dollar, and a tip from forum Member Rod, I bought a made in the USA Oneida Dust Gorilla (2HP) from a Canadian supplier this morning. WHat made my choice was that the Cdn dollar plunged to 84 cents this morning. Our currency is pretty well pegged to oil pricing. The DC's this supplier had in stock were priced at $1178 Canadian with a wireless remote. So, $989 USD with a remote makes me feel like calling this purchase a Gloat. (Still have to pay 14% tax..sigh). That Gorilla is sure going to visually dominate my shop. Looking forward to a new dust reduced life.

Prashun Patel
10-10-2008, 10:13 AM
Shoot, I'd kill for that. With the market the way it is, the next DC I'll buy will be a couple of box fans with some furnace filters (probably used ones) duct taped to the intake!

Rod Sheridan
10-10-2008, 10:25 AM
Was considering going to Buffalo NY and buying a JDS or Grizzly single stage DC, but thanks to our Diving Canadian dollar, and a tip from forum Member Rod, I bought a made in the USA Oneida Dust Gorilla (2HP) from a Canadian supplier this morning. WHat made my choice was that the Cdn dollar plunged to 84 cents this morning. Our currency is pretty well pegged to oil pricing. The DC's this supplier had in stock were priced at $1178 Canadian with a wireless remote. So, $989 USD with a remote makes me feel like calling this purchase a Gloat. (Still have to pay 14% tax..sigh). That Gorilla is sure going to visually dominate my shop. Looking forward to a new dust reduced life.

Well, it all comes together, the economy and your cyclone both suck. Oh yeah, so does your gloat!

Actually you buying a cyclone from Wellbeck is good for me, the next time I'm up there, Steve owes me a cup of world famous Wellbeck coffee. (My commission on your refferal). Apparently you can use it as outdoor wood preservative, wood stain, or if desperate enough, you could even drink it.

In all seriousness Bob, you'll enjoy the cyclone, my shop is in the basement of a townhouse, and it keeps the shop, the house, and my lungs, clean.

Regards, Rod.

Bob Slater
10-10-2008, 11:07 AM
Enjoy the coffee. I am looking forward to checking out this store. Hopefully next week. I am sure I will be tempted to further erode my line of credit.

Don Bullock
10-10-2008, 8:12 PM
That's a great gloat.:D I'm with Shawn on the possibility of getting a DC system any time soon. :(

John Willoughby
10-10-2008, 10:14 PM
good deal on a great dust collector. I am still working on what size I need. All the math is making my head hurt:rolleyes:

Bob Slater
10-11-2008, 1:19 AM
I probably could have easily lived with a single stage and wheeled it around as needed. In some ways it might be more convenient, but I wanted a canister one, and it seems the General is the main one offered up here and it is $750 cdn. So , I basically bought more than I need, but somehow I think I will have this a long time and hopefully figure out ways to make it work hard. RIght now, I wear a mask and have an overhead fan, but I figure every time I walk into the shop I stir up the fine dust that is everywhere. It's gonna be a challenge getting all my old tools setup for dust collection.