View Full Version : Massachusetts Healthcare

Eddie Watkins
10-09-2008, 10:45 AM
I don't mean this to be political in any way. Just looking for information and opinions. If any other states have similar programs I would like to know what they think. Since some of you are from Massachusetts may be you can enlighten me. Is your program similar to the proposed program by Sen Obama? If not, ignore the rest of the questions. Otherwise. How do you like the healthcare program? Is it working?

JohnT Fitzgerald
10-09-2008, 11:18 AM
I'm not terribly familiar with Obama's plan, so I won't compare them. and the "Mass plan" doesn't really affect me directly since I get coverage through work. it of course affects me indirectly because it's my taxes that go to provide coverage.

there was a big stink here because a lot of people didn't feel they should have to pay at all - which the new plan does require. the statistics show it's a success (millions of people now have "coverage"), but a recent article showed that it is not reaping any of the promised savings because people that are now covered are not changing their habits - i.e. they are still going to expensive Emergency rooms for even basic care. One argument says that a shortage of PCP's is causing a long delay, but I really don't buy it. the law did nothong to change people's habits, and if they're used to getting all the free care at ER's, then nothing will change them to a more "traditional" PCP approch (why would it? there's no incentive).