View Full Version : Wedged M&T on an angle

Aaron Dunham
10-09-2008, 9:16 AM
Is this worth doing or is it just asking for a split? I want to use a wedged M&T to join each leg to a tabletop, rotated at about 10 or 15 degrees in reference to the grain of the top. (the Sketchup wood floor represents the grain in the drawing). I would think it would be okay to rotate up to a certain point without too much risk of a split, right?




Rod Sheridan
10-09-2008, 9:42 AM
Hi Aron, if I understand your question correctly you are simply rotating the grain of the piece with the through mortise?

If so grain direction doesn't matter as the wedge applies compression to the mortised piece, not a wedging action.

Regards, Rod.

Chris Padilla
10-09-2008, 9:48 AM
I agree, Aaron. It looks okay as long as you don't rotate it too much. I think even 45 degrees might be okay but it all depends on the grain flow of the top.

Christopher Foote
10-09-2008, 10:30 AM
It won't be a problem. Lots of bespoke furniture from across the pond have square through-tenons with a single wedge at a 45 deg. angle. I've seen shelves constructed this way with a row of 6 tenons all with wedges at 45 deg. Your design is slightly different as the tenon is at an angle, but overall it's the same structural principal.


Mike Cutler
10-09-2008, 11:00 AM
It's okay, Stickley did it on furniture that has lasted almost a century.:cool: