View Full Version : 2 Bowls

Joe Pfeifer
10-08-2008, 9:44 PM
These are my 3rd and 5th bowls, so critique is welcome and appreciated. They are both about 6" across and 2-3" high. The NE is oak that was a funnel until I plugged it with Bocote, finished with spray lacquer. The other is spalted, wormy, and rotten box elder with 2 coats of tung oil. If only I had gotten to the firewood pile a year earlier... Sorry for the bad pics, but once I get this whole turning thing mastered I'll work on my photographic skills.

98293 98292

Steve Schlumpf
10-08-2008, 10:59 PM
Joe - not bad at all for only your 3rd and 5th bowls! Shapes and finishes look good. About the only thing I noticed was with the Bocote plug (and I may be wrong) but it looks like it is inserted cross-grain. That may or may not pose a problem in the future but is usually something to avoid as cross-grain areas tend to crack when the wood gains or loses moisture. Basically the two different woods swell or shrink in different directions and separate.

Keep turning! It gets easier and becomes even more fun!

Bernie Weishapl
10-08-2008, 11:22 PM
Very nice bowls and finish looks good. I agree that the plug should have been with the grain of the bowl.