View Full Version : New Bosch "Multimaster"

Gary Ratajczak
10-08-2008, 9:40 AM
Looks like it's almost here. I already own the Fein Multimaster, and will be interested to see if the accessories from Bosch will fit.

I would guess they will, as I recently see Fein has discounted their accessories.


Looks like they will fit based on review info here.


Prashun Patel
10-08-2008, 9:54 AM
Wonder why they launched this, when they own Rotozip already.

Mikail Khan
10-08-2008, 11:08 AM
Looks good.

I will probably buy the Bosch once it is released.

Hopefully their accessories will be cheaper than those from Fein.


Ben Martin
10-08-2008, 11:22 AM
Hmm, $400 for a Multimaster or $130 for the Bosch, seems like a tough choice.:eek:
Hopefully, they will sell the tool seperately so I can use the batteries from my PS-40 which would bring the price even lower than $130. Although I question if the $130 price is accurate, especially since a PS40 is $199...

Cliff Rohrabacher
10-08-2008, 4:25 PM
Well that explains all those boring multimaster infomercials. they were trying to milk every last nickel out of their patent.

I wonder if the advertising expense paid off.

I often wonder about that. Some years ago I recall some guy on a beach trying to sell enema products VIA infomercial. Yes You read that right. I am guessing he failed 'cause it was a short lived phenom.

But all those "CALL NOW" ads: Miniature die cast old cars and trucks, Coins from the Zimbabwean mint, fluffy things that clean "better" (than something), some gizmo guaranteed to clean your teeth better, a million rubber stretchy thingies that are supposed to make you young, beautiful, and self actuating -- you name it they sell it and finish off by bidding you to "Call Now!"

Do they make any money at all?

Ken Garlock
10-08-2008, 5:18 PM
I often wonder about that. Some years ago I recall some guy on a beach trying to sell enema products VIA infomercial. Yes You read that right. I am guessing he failed 'cause it was a short lived phenom.

Cliff, that guy was really a Hi Fi speaker salesman. He wanted you to get 'gut wrenching' bass when you listened to his woofer :D:D:D