View Full Version : What to do?

Robert Ducharme
05-17-2004, 2:03 PM
I am posting this to this group even though it is not totally appropriate but because it would get the largest review and impact the most people.

One of the things I have been wondering is why we have not set up something like a review section :confused:

Let me amplify. I have seen on other web sites articles or reviews of tools or other things. I have done many searches in Sawmill Creek forums and have gleaned valid information from those searches. However, it is sometimes hard to understand what the final conclusion is or that we actually do not have articles/notes on some given product or area. I understand that this may be difficult to achieve and keep up to date but if undertaken in the correct way, it may be possible.

I have a "sort of" proposal that would need adequate discussion to either shoot it down or to clarify and make it into something useful.

What if there a "tree structure" (see - the word "tree" - general wood working :rolleyes: ) something like below.


table saws


Note that this section would be under every area and would NOT be that everyone should buy a GDPJMM but something like a table that may identity the type of work being done and some information about saws that may be appropriate. Very unclear final view if anything related to this. Maybe comparison by price? Maybe a poll of "best" to "worst"



band saws


Same thing as above but for the bandsaws



hand planes


Same thing as above but for hand planes



Now how would this be kept up? If someone reviews a tool, maybe they could write something up about it and place it in here. Or, maybe a person would volunteer to collate/edit information about a particular area from people who would submit information to them. As information is collected and presented, comments could be used to improve the quality. What should be placed under each tool section: model numbers, prices, contacts, problems, advantages, disadvantages, who knows?

A set of place holders could be established for all areas of interest (I am thinking power tools, hand tools, glues, sand paper, wood, books, magazines).

I know we have "articles" that describe how to do things in one forum. I have seen many threads that I think should actually be cleaned up slightly and placed in that forum. This is not being done so would the same problem exist in setting up a review section? Another concern is about pricing and where to buy. This information would constantly be changing so should it be included and if so, just consider a range?

An alternative idea is for any thread with a definitive review or article that would be useful long term should include a "keyword". This keyword would be a well defined set that would only be placed in articles/replys with appropriate information. For example, REV_BS, REV_TS, REV_GLUE,...
It could be included as the last entry in the article.

Well, I guess I am done. Not certain this is workable or if I should even take up the readers time on this. Oh well, here goes :o

Chris Padilla
05-17-2004, 2:09 PM
Pssst, Bob, there is a Woodworking Articles & Review section.... :)

Robert Ducharme
05-17-2004, 2:12 PM
I know. However, there are only 8 articles in it after all this time. That is why I have some of the paragraphs at the bottom. :(

Jim Hill 2
05-17-2004, 2:43 PM
I just purchased a digital camera on line and one of the many web sites I used for research let people that purchased the camera write a review. They counted the overall thumbs up and thumbs down so at a glance you could see how many people liked the camera. They used the reviews to give it a rating from 1-10 based off simple percentages. Something like that could be useful for power tools. If anyone is interested I can try to find the example site. It could take the review section to the next level!


Lee Schierer
05-17-2004, 4:30 PM
The problem with reviews done by individuals is that most of us only have the opportunity to buy one or two of a particular tool in a lifetime. While most of us shop around and try to at least lay hands on the various models before purchasing one, we are still limited to our own opinions for the most part. Take for example a barrel grip or handle grip jig saw (doesn't matter which brand) There will be a variety of opinions pretty well equally divided saying one style is better than the other. All this is based on opinions and very little on actual scientific testing. While I like most things about my table saw, there are others that wouldn't drag that brand home behind their truck. For me it meets my needs and fit my budget at the time. I'm just frugal enough not to run out and replace it with a big cabinet type saw until it either breaks beyond repair or no longer suits my needs.

Magazine reviews are becoming more and more slanted to highlight the features of the products advertised in that magazine without really putting a tool to the test against similar products or risking the ire of the manufacturer. They are rarely a true evaluation of the tools anymore.

Unless you are willing to volunteer your time to handle the "articles" section and make appropriate arrangements with the forum owners to do so, it probably won't change from where it is at present.

Boyd Gathwright
05-17-2004, 7:31 PM
Hi Robert,

Nice idea, and I agree with you. It sure would be nice to look up a particular piece of equipment to see how it ranks in its class or group from quality on down. There’s just too many things going against it, money, politics, favorites and then pricing according to it’s ranking just to name a few. I just can’t honestly see it becoming practical.

Keep up the good thoughts, you never know, you might strike a good idea.

Boyd ;)

I am posting this to this group even though it is not totally appropriate but because it would get the largest review and impact the most people.

One of the things I have been wondering is why we have not set up something like a review section :confused:

Let me amplify. I have seen on other web sites articles or reviews of tools or other things. I have done many searches in Sawmill Creek forums and have gleaned valid information from those searches. However, it is sometimes hard to understand what the final conclusion is or that we actually do not have articles/notes on some given product or area. I understand that this may be difficult to achieve and keep up to date but if undertaken in the correct way, it may be possible.

I have a "sort of" proposal that would need adequate discussion to either shoot it down or to clarify and make it into something useful.

What if there a "tree structure" (see - the word "tree" - general wood working :rolleyes: ) something like below.

table saws


Note that this section would be under every area and would NOT be that everyone should buy a GDPJMM but something like a table that may identity the type of work being done and some information about saws that may be appropriate. Very unclear final view if anything related to this. Maybe comparison by price? Maybe a poll of "best" to "worst"


band saws


Same thing as above but for the bandsaws


hand planes


Same thing as above but for hand planes

Now how would this be kept up? If someone reviews a tool, maybe they could write something up about it and place it in here. Or, maybe a person would volunteer to collate/edit information about a particular area from people who would submit information to them. As information is collected and presented, comments could be used to improve the quality. What should be placed under each tool section: model numbers, prices, contacts, problems, advantages, disadvantages, who knows?

A set of place holders could be established for all areas of interest (I am thinking power tools, hand tools, glues, sand paper, wood, books, magazines).

I know we have "articles" that describe how to do things in one forum. I have seen many threads that I think should actually be cleaned up slightly and placed in that forum. This is not being done so would the same problem exist in setting up a review section? Another concern is about pricing and where to buy. This information would constantly be changing so should it be included and if so, just consider a range?

An alternative idea is for any thread with a definitive review or article that would be useful long term should include a "keyword". This keyword would be a well defined set that would only be placed in articles/replys with appropriate information. For example, REV_BS, REV_TS, REV_GLUE,...
It could be included as the last entry in the article.

Well, I guess I am done. Not certain this is workable or if I should even take up the readers time on this. Oh well, here goes :o

Joe Suelter
05-17-2004, 10:13 PM
Just about every woodworking magazine I know of has printed a "tool-review" at least once, so I gotta say, why waste precious server space here when it is right at your finger tips? Lee is right, too, in that most of us are not independently wealthy ;) therefore cannot afford to buy three cabinet saws to write a review of all of them. That's where the magazine publishers come into play here! BUT....I do like the fact that the reviews here are written by members here, therefore, a little more "real-world" issues are explored! Maybe this should be done with a poll, just to see what the majority of members here would like.

Aaron Koehl
05-18-2004, 3:34 PM
I would suggest using the Woodworking Tools / Reviews Forum, and attaching a poll to the thread. Then, you have everyone's commentary, as well as a quick summary statistic. The 'similar threads' will automatically take care of the matching--we could always run some queries on the database and make a tree later.